Today is Sunday- your day Jesus!!! May what we do bring honor and glory to you and may we set an example that this day is special to those around us!
Yesterday, I didn’t write because I was tired after going to Bardachina- but the trip went well. It’s a long trip, but it went well, and now I think we pretty much know the way- through the fields, over the wall and through the river…
Yesterday as we were walking back, we had to go through some people’s yards- and we stopped and talked with them some. Part of me, okay, most of me wanted to stop and sit with them- even though we were hot and sweaty and dirty and tired from hiking back. That didn’t seem to matter at all- I just wanted to be with them.
When we got back, I spent a lot of time- a few hours with Joyti and Bicky and thouroughly enjoyed their company. For the first time I think since I’ve been in Kahan/Village, I felt like I had friends. I want to cry just typing that because how can people I just met 6 days ago, who don’t even speak my language or worship the same God, and who look different than me, and are different from me- how can we be friends? Only God can make that happen. Wow. Anyway, I felt so happy to be here- sitting there in the mud kitchen, smoke from the fire burning my eyes, trying to understand what they were saying, communicating whatever I could, and just enjoying being there. And today, in spite of the gloomy rain, I feel so happy to be here- with these people. I’m not sure why or how, but I’m thankful for that blessing from the Lord!!!
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