Sunday, January 22, 2006

Conversation with Robin, and Ephesians

Robin and I had a good conversation the other day about our strengths. I’m not sure how it started, but went something like this…
I said, “I’m glad that we both enjoy different aspects of this project…”
She said, “I was thinking about that the other day, and I’m glad that you are better at languages than me because then I just won’t stress about it as much. I mean, for the project we’ll be working together, so it’s okay if I don’t know as much…
I said, “And, I’m glad you like the storying stuff and Bible research, because while I’ll do it and it’s okay, I won’t love it like you do probably.
Later I added, “Since we both have different strengths, it’s difficult sometimes because we don’t understand each other, but if we can figure out how to maximize them, then I think it will be really good for the project.
She agreed.

Thoughts on Ephesians 2:1-10 (For church time with Robin)
How much lower can you get than “dead” (vs. 1). We were nothing, we ARE nothing without Christ. We aren’t just nothing, we’re doomed, we’re dead.
Objects of wrath (God’s anger)- these people we live among? How can that be…? Oh, how much more motivation we must have to get the word to them…not that we can do anything to speed their trusting in God, but that what we can do, we should do…
God knew we would be here, God knows we’re here, God knows what will come of us being here. And because it’s all in his plan, it’s okay. We can trust Him for the outcome.

Remember, “we can do nothing to save ourselves…” Thank God!
He saved us FIRST to “point us as examples of the incredible wealth of his favor and kindness.” (Ilumina)
SECOND: “so that we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” He didn’t save us for our own benefit. He saved us because there is work to do, and while he doesn’t need us to do it, he wants us to be a part of it and enjoy the blessing of sharing in that work…Our “new life” cannot help but express itself in good works

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