Wednesday, May 30, 2007

What did you expect? (Journal Entry)

After listening to a bunch of the stories, what did you expect? For Anju to say, “Oh, your God is the real God. Our God is not. These stories make it all clear. I want to follow Yishu (Jesus) now, I don’t want to follow Golu, or Shivjee anymore…”

Somehow, I knew that wouldn’t be the response, I wasn’t expecting it. I wasn’t even upset when I didn’t get it. But I guess what upset me is that she, and Gaitree, and the rest of our friends don’t see much difference in this God and their other gods.

Anju even said yes, she has a relationship with God. When I asked her about when God gives the command: “only pray to me, no other gods…” – Her response was, "Right…God is one, just the name is different…if you pray- pray one god. If you pray to Shivjee, pray to Shivjee, not Golu too."

I asked, "So if you wanted to follow this God...…"

And she completed my sentence, "then you would have to get rid of/stop following/praying to the other gods."

She understands, the stories are clear.

But are they life-changing?

Is there anything that could be done differently? I have not yet had any ideas come to my mind…except that it’s not the stories alone that will make a difference. True, God’s Word can speak for itself…but, in many, if not most situations- it will be more than just one encounter with the real God.

“You do all things well…” – the song playing right now.

Oh Lord…what are you doing? I know you do things well- but what has been the benefit of these stories in our Kahani friend's lives til now...actually, I shouldn't say that, there has been a lot of benefit for Precious, Maya, Ganga...

I nearly started crying in front of Vimal as I shared with him Anju’s answers and how they were good answers to some extent, meaning, it seems in general the point of the stories is getting across…

He said, “Just like she has given you answers, I think the rest of Kahani people will give you the same answers. No one is going to say, our gods are less, and this god is better…no one would say like that.”

I explained that I knew that result would not come- maybe one in a year…But I said, it would be nice if people saw a difference between their god and the God of these stoires. To not even see a difference…what benefit is there? Just more stories about another random God? Even if that’s not what our goal was, is that what we’ve achieved? In some ways, ‘yes, we have created stories about some other God…” but the stories are supposed to tell that this is not just some other God…Do they do that? I'm not sure.

“Blessed be your name…” – the song playing right now.

You want me to bless your name in spite of Anju’s response. You want me to focus on you. You want me to listen to Vimal when he says, “Immediately it won’t happen. Someone trusting in Yishu, someone leaving their gods for God…it takes time.” – I know that, but still…I just wonder if there is any chance that Maya, Kiran, Pushpa, Ganga, Pinki, Pyranka, Hema, Geetu, Pooja, Ulka, Chandra, Neetu, Geeta, and so many others who have heard the stoires, will meet me again in Heaven. I know, only God knows…and perhaps those whom I don’t even know right now I will meet due to the stories in some fashion. And that is wonderful. But still, I can’t help crying for my friends. Crying, knowing if they died right now, I’d never see them again. Knowing, if they live their life as it is, it will be void of peace, and the joy of the Lord- when they could have those things.

Am I doing enough?

Right now, God is saying… “no…you haven’t done enough. No, you haven’t confronted them enough, no you haven’t been a good enough friend…because YOU can’t BE enough of anything for these people…YOU can’t do it…YOU can’t really even make a difference. Actually, you can cause people to fall away from me- yes, you can do that by yourself. Any good that you might do is from me. Any positive influence you might have is from me. Any mark you might leave on people is only by my grace…And if I choose not to draw this one or that one, what is it to you? Or if I choose to draw someone else you didn’t have in mind, why should you become jealous that your friends aren’t among the chosen?

I want to ask the question, ‘what can I do’ – but I know the response is, ‘nothing’ – that is, NOTHING without YOU, without prayer…

So what am I doing most of the day? I should be praying, huh? On my knees…Lord- I will spent 5, or maybe even 10 minutes every day from now on in prayer for the Kahani people…at least as long as I am here. It may not sound like a long time- but it’s longer than I’ve given til now…

Father, thank you for the change in Precous' life. And thank you also for the work you are doing in Heather and Gina- whether they know it or not.

Father, thank you for your goodness, and faithfulness to me. And for the workshop plans coming together…you are gracious and good.

Help me to praise you and bless your name in spite of feeling a little like a failure at the moment…

Friday, May 25, 2007

One Chance to be Human (Journal Entry)

Precious told me a few stories today...She said, "I heard about this woman who treated her mother really badly. After a while, the mother died. Then everything was okay for some time (years). Then, that mother's soul entered into her daughter's daughter. Then that daughter killed her mother. I.E. The soul (of the grandmother) inside of the granddaughter killed her mother (the daughter of the grandmother).

If everything is in God’s plan, then that is from God.

I heard about another story when there was man who treated his wife very badly, and was with another woman also. He was very mean to his wife and just did bad things to her. Sometime later, he killed his wife.

Later, there was another husband and wife. They had a daughter, and when she was 8 years old, one day they were in that same place where the first man killed his wife. The girl started saying things like, “he beat me, and mistreated me” etc, etc- telling all about the situation of that man beating his wife- as if she was the wife. She was telling things that she couldn’t have known- except that the soul of that woman had entered into her."

Precious said, "I don’t believe the soul dies."
I said, "I also don’t believe the soul dies, but I don’t believe it stays here on earth when a person dies. It goes with God, or it goes with the enemy, Satan."
Precious said, "then that means that God has made a lot of souls. One for every single person, not only a few souls that keep going here and there, in and out of different people/animals. In reincarnation, there are 38,000- different kinds of animals/specials to come back as. Each time you could come back as something different...but the last thing, asusming you've done enough good things in your life, is a human. So, really, you only get one chance to be a human."

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

What is this dream I'm experiencing? (Journal Entry)

Strangely enough, even though I realized I needed to take more time to be with you, Lord, I haven’t in the past few weeks. I guess I've realized the need isn’t the same as acting on it- but at least it’s the first step.

Anyway, coming back to Kahan this time was really different than any other time I’ve arrived back. Why? I can’t put my finger on it. I really can’t.

It’s like a dream. The capitol city was like a dream too. Not a good dream, but not a nightmare. It was like I was passing through- time was happening, and other people were living their life, but my actions and motions were more or less just occurring- I wasn’t really the agent or controller of what I was doing- it was like I was floating through it. I still feel like that.

I feel unattached to what’s around me. I feel like the language coming out of my mouth is just coming out- I’m not really even thinking about what I’m saying. I feel like I’m getting changed and washing my hair just because it’s what you do- not because I want to or need to. I edited a bunch of stories and printed out all of Heather's stories and made notes on what to change, but don’t really feel like I did it- it just happened, it just got done somehow. I called one of the storying workshop people, but feel like I never really made the phone call- but I did, just 5 minutes ago!

What do you call this feeling? What is this feeling? Is it right, wrong? How did I end up with it, how do you get rid of it? What is the deal?

Let me quote Streams in the Desert May 18th.
“We were under great pressure…so that we despaired even of life. But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead.” (2 Corinthians 1:8-9)

Pressed beyond measure; yes, pressed to great length;
Pressed so intensely, beyond my own strength.
Pressed in my body, and pressed in my soul.
Pressed in my mind til the dark surges roll.
Pressure from foes, and pressure from dear friends.
Pressure on pressure, til life nearly ends.
Pressed into knowing no helper but God.
Pressed into loving His staff and His rod.
Pressed into liberty where nothing clings;
Pressed into faith for impossible things.
Pressed into living my life for the Lord.
Pressed into living a Christ-life outpoured.

The pressure of difficult times makes us value life. Every time our life is spared and given back to us after a trial, it is like a new beginning. We better understand its value and thereby apply ourselves more effectively for God and for humankind. And the pressure we endure helps us to understand the trials of others, equipping us to help them and to sympathize with them.
Trials and difficult times are needed to press us forwards. They work in the way the fire in the hold of a mighty steamship provides the energy that moves the pistons, turns the engine, and propels the great vessel across the sea, even when facing the wind and the waves.
1 Corinthians 1:8- “Jesus will keep you strong until the end so that there will be no wrong in you on the day our Lord Jesus Christ comes again.”
2 Thessalonians 3:5- “May the Lord lead your hearts into God’s love and Christ’s patience.”
1 Chronicles 29:15- “Our days on earth are like a shadow.”
Jeremiah 32:27- “I am the Lord, the God of every person on the earth. Nothing is impossible for me.”

Lord, you know the things on my mind. You know what things should be on my mind and what things shouldn’t. You know where my heart is- even if I don’t!

You know I want to write out a list here of all that passes through my mind in a day…but I know you want me to forget all that right now. As the wind blows, you also are blowing around me…how can I catch you?

“You’re everything I cannot see.
You’re everything I cannot say.
I know it all seems so illogical, but that’s okay.
You’re the love you give to me.
You’re the love I give away.
You’re everything impossible, but that’s okay.”
(Lyrics from ‘Everything Impossible’ by MercyMe)

“The plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations” – Psalm 33:11.

Lord- help me to ‘snap out of it’ if I need to do that. This phase, this mode, this feeling is so odd, and so ‘not real’- I feel like things are happening, and even I’m a part of what’s happening, but not really experiencing it, not really living it- or something wacky like that.

I love you Lord…give me wisdom to know how to follow you…and lead others.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

You are living your dream! (Email reply from Mommy)


I know this: You will be here in 3 weeks and 2 days.

Natalie just declared, "Lizzie will be here in 3 weeks and 2 days!"

Now Mark and Natalie are discussing exactly how many days that is!

You ARE living out your dream - that's why it is somewhat surreal.

Hang tight to Jesus - He's the REAL THING!

Love and Miss you LOTS,

~ Mommy

Re: Re: "What's next for me (Email reply to Mommy)


I love you too……

I did cry- most of the flight- sitting in seat “B” between two Punjabi men, and also cried some today in the rickshaw…and on the phone last night-

It seems like a dream- not necessarily a dream come true, but not a nightmare, but a dream still- like it will pass and reality will come at some point….but somehow it never does. Even here in the capitol city- with two co-workers. It’s like I’m having another dream with them in it, but this time it’s not in their hometown, it’s in the capitol.

It seems like Thailand was a dream too…Jim, Sean, Kristin, Alison- they are characters fading in and out….like when you wake up in the morning and can’t quite remember it all, but bits and pieces….it seems like my entire life has been those bits and pieces you remember of the dream when you wake up. I think even Kahan has been that….or something else completely. Like I said, still can’t really put my finger on it. And perhaps I shouldn’t try to put my finger on it. Like you said, I should just live it…how do you live a dream? When reality is a dream, or when a dream is reality- how do you know what is real, what will last, what will still be there when you wake up?

I guess you don’t know…

Well….I'm heading out soon to go back to Kahan…talk to you tomorrow.

~ Elizabeth

Monday, May 21, 2007

Re: "What's Next for me" (Email reply from Mommy)


Thanks for sharing what you can - it helps. We want to understand - as much as we have the capacity to understand. And God can give us more of a capacity than we might think as we ask him.

I'm so glad you are feeling better, though still cloudy.

Certainly changes have taken place all over in the past two years. In some way, I feel like we have been carried through it - I have survived things that should have sent me over the edge. I think part of the reason is that I trust the Lord, but a big part is also that I trust YOU and your relationship with the Lord. You have your head on straight and your heart in the right place. That makes it much easier to support "outrageous" decisions and ideas. I know you will not be impulsive or rash in your decision-making - just the opposite!!

It's good you are processing, but avoid over-analyzing, if it's possible to know the difference. Sometimes life is better just lived and not processed!

I can't begin to imagine your feelings about leaving training for the last time. No matter what you KNOW about how God holds the future, etc. the EMOTIONS must have been overwhelming - especially for someone like you who believes in BEING ALL THERE - wherever you are.

Perhaps that is a question - does "being all there" mean letting go of every where else?! In that regard, I'm sure we can not be totally all there, but only TRY to be all there - and that's good enough. CRY it out, Elizabeth. Go ahead and cry. I DO KNOW that when you feel like crying, it's a healthy thing to do. It doesn't mean life is falling apart or you are not handling things. It is a moment - and we need to be "all there" in that moment too. "Embrace the pain" and let God comfort you. It's precious to have a real need and know that God is wrapping His arms around you. Those intimate moments are a crucial part of our relationship with Him. I love you so much. You are an amazing young woman. How could God bless me with such a wonderful daughter. I am truly blessed. Love and Miss You LOTS!


"What's next for me..." (Email to Parents)

Mommy and Daddy,

Just real quick, I know I said on the phone last night that I see home just as ‘what’s next for me’ but that wasn’t exactly what I meant.

I will say that on the plane from Bangkok to our capitol city, there was no place I wanted to be more than home. Just sitting, with Daddy on the lawn chairs outside, or even on the couches in the family room. Honestly, I was like, “at least I know those people I never really have to say goodbye too. Somehow they will always be there, no matter what. And I already know them completely (as completely as you can know someone), it’s not like you have to get to know them all over again…though I suspect I will to some extent when I get home. But that was what I felt pretty much the whole flight, wanting MORE THAN ANYTHING to be home.

The desire to be home is STRONG. And I do see it as ‘what it next.’

I think what I mean by that was that, in my mind, ‘home’ (DE), is temporary, it’s like a transit place somehow now. And actually, for that matter, so is the rest of the world. What is the real definition of “home”….whether 17 Laour street matan should be temporary in my mind or not, it many ways it feels like that…

The ‘what’s next’ in my mind applies more to the next project, the next country, the next people group….not the in-between time of being home. And, yet, I don’t think of ‘home’ as being a place in between either…I am ready to come home, I’m ready to BE HOME, I’m ready to LIVE AT HOME again….REALLY I AM….if I could come home now, I would.

I am having a REALLY hard time finding how to express how I am feeling right now and the emotions of saying goodbyes, and wondering about the future, and even thinking about the past, and trying to live in the present. I am not sure if there is a name for what I’m experiencing or not….and it hurts me that I know you don’t really know what I’m experiencing either. You know ME, so you know a lot of it, but you don’t know the rest of it…which is fine- how could you, you haven’t experienced it. It’s okay, I’m not upset about that, but it’s still really hard to know who to talk to, and even if I knew who to talk to, I can’t find words to describe how I feel….it’s not a happy, sad, right, wrong feeling, it’s just …yeah…I don’t know….

Anyway, I appreciate you just listening, and praying for it….whatever it is….

And though I know you already know this, I’ll say it again. While the past two years for you may not have brought about a ton of changes in your life (though I think it has), my life is VERY DIFFERENT I think from when I left. Yes, it’s still me, and some of me will never change no matter what. But, much of my outlook on life/ministry has been altered….I’m sure you’ve noticed along the way, perhaps even more than I have myself….but still, there are ways I’ve changed that I never could have expected that I don’t even know all the ramifications of yet…

Anyway, just something to try and keep in mind- I say for you, and also for myself…just to keep in mind I may not relate to everything in the same way, I may not respond to things in the same way, I may not like the same things/dislike the same things….and the reason is because of the changes that have come about from the experience of the past 2 years…

Knowing that I’m not the same sometimes can help me understand why I’m reacting to something in a very different way than I might have reacted to it before….anyway…..more to process….more than I have time for….

Oh the joy of old the capitol city train station….here I come. I’ll be leaving in a few hours…..

~ Elizabeth

Sunday, May 13, 2007

God among gods... (Journal Entry)

So, I'm confused about the passages the Book where it says, you are “God of Gods, Lord of Lords” and “you are above all gods” etc.

Is God really the highest God among others? Or are there not really others? Or could demons be considered gods? I mean, I guess the Kahani people consider them gods.

If they see you as God of their Gods, would that be sufficient for their salvation? Do they need to see you as God- and everything else as NOT GOD?

But, what about those verses that mention you being above other gods, among other gods? Even when Paul went to Athens, he said, in Acts 17:23… “an alter, ‘To an unknown god.' Therefore what you worship without knowing it, this I proclaim to you. (vs. 24) The God who made the world and everything in it, who is Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in temples made by human hands, nor is he served by human hands, as if he needed anything, because he himself gives life and breath and everything to everyone. From one man he made every nation of the human race to inhabit the entire earth, determining their set times and the fixed limits of the places where they would live, so that they would search for God and perhaps grope around for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us.”

It’s not like Paul says, “God who is, as opposed to the gods you worshipping who aren’t really god…” he makes a statement saying, “The God who made the world” as opposed to the other gods who didn’t make the world…”

Anyway, just something I was thinking about the other day…

Friday, May 11, 2007

Long entry... (Journal Entry)

Lord, you revealed something to me today. I realized that the reason I wrote the following email to Pastor Strumbeck (at home)….

Recently, I’ve wondered if I really place a high enough importance/value on the life change that happens when you follow Him. Perhaps it’s because I never had to make a great life change or dramatic turn around to follow Him. I know I take my faith for granted so much. I also have been wondering how much turning to Him would really change some of my friend’s lives.

These thoughts were sparked by a conversation I was having with our company’s country’s director. He used to live in the city I live in, and made a comment about our house-helper becoming a believer and how hard it would be for her/how many changes she’d have to make, etc. I responded with, “I don’t think it would look that different, or be that difficult for her.” I tried to humbly share with him (who spent 7 years in the city I live in) how Panna (our house-helper) doesn’t do her prayers to hindu gods, she doesn’t take part in a lot of the religious ceremonies involved in her so-called religion. A large part of it is probably because when it comes to push and shove she barely has enough money for rice and daal to feed her 6 kids let alone buying new lights for the temple in their home. Actually, now that I think about it, even though I’ve been there several times and even spent the night there, I’m not sure they have an actual place for their temple (like most, if not every other Hindu I know). Anyway, for her to start praying to Jesus…what changes would there be? Not many, from what I can tell. I shared this with my mom and she brainstormed with me for a bit about it, saying that maybe the outside things wouldn’t be dramatic, but the peace that He brings would be.

But still, I have this doubt that it would really be that big of a deal. Sometimes it seems the stories and our relationships with people are getting somewhere, then we come across something else that looks as if there is no way around it. Honestly, several of our friends/neighbors would say they worship Jesus. They worship Shivjee, Golu, and Krishna too – but they aren’t three separate gods. They are one God- just different names, just different forms. I tell you, Hindus have no problem with the trinity, it’s already built into what they believe. They also have no issues with Jesus being the Son of God, and God. So what is the trigger for them? What is the “barrier” – ‘not to worship other gods?’ Well, how can you say that if there is only one God anyway? That just sounds silly!

I haven’t studied it in depth, but I’ve always thought Hinduism was a more of a polytheistic religion- and perhaps by definition, it could be categorized that way. But, I’ve encountered more Hindus here that actually say they worship one God....

I wrote that, and I felt that becoming a follower wouldn’t really affect Panna’s life, or Heather's or Gina's. But, I've realized the reason I've felt that was is because lately, it hasn’t really affected my life. I have not prayed nearly enough. I have not ready your Word hardly at all. Oh yes, I’ve opened the Bible every day, several times a day….but only for ‘work.’ Only for accomplishing another step in this project. I’ve realized that this project has become more important to me than the salvation of some of my friends…and the reason it’s gained that position is because I’ve let my own walk with Him come to more of a standstill. How can I want something for my friends that I hardly have myself? Of course, it’s not like I’ve “lost” it or anything like that, but the passion, the drive, the purpose is gone. It has really become more about just getting it done.

Oh Father. Forgive me. How could I? How could I become so involved in a project that involves your Word more than anything else I’ve ever done, and yet become so far away from you? How could I be telling your stories, and listening to your stories and talking about stories and yet, not really care if they make a difference in people’s lives? How could I have forgotten the reason I’m here?

I realize now. I realize why I started to have this attitude of not really seeing that trusting in you would affect anyone’s life…oh, how could I? But I did think that. Actually Mommy said, “yeah, but you know that’s not true…” And yes, I KNOW that’s not true, but even after KNOWING that, I still struggled with accepting that it would make a difference. Slowly, just realizing why I even came here in the beginning….it was like, “duh! What drove you here? Why did He die? Have you so quickly forgotten? Have you so quickly given up on His strength and power?"

I guess the answer to those questions was yes. In the morning time this morning at the retreat (at training in Chaing Mai, Thailand), I just prayed, and somehow it came to me, that this was the reason I was thinking this. I guess some of what they said, and questions they asked revealed that my prayer life, not to mention the rest of my relationship with you, was pretty much sinking…And, yeah, if I don’t have it, how can I want others to have it…

Then, after realizing that, and reading verses that proved again why I have this relationship, why God is so great, and wonderful...Just realizing again the JOY that I have/can have in Him. After that I realized that, that JOY, that peace, that realizing of how great and wonderful God is, is what I was saying didn’t matter or wouldn’t make a difference in my friend’s lives. Oh, how could I? Oh, Father forgive me. Oh Jesus, keep me from getting to that point ever again. Ignite a fire in me so passionate for you that no matter what, I never lose that- I never come to the point of thinking it wouldn’t matter if someone followed you or not---even if I know the truth in my heart that it would matter, but the surface feelings or thoughts of ‘how big of a difference would it make’ wouldn’t even creep into my mind. Oh, how the enemy tricks me. And yet, in a way, I feel like putting the blame on him makes it sound like somehow I didn’t do anything wrong. But I don’t want to commit Eve’s second sin of blaming someone else. I am the one who didn’t pray. I didn’t talk with you. I didn’t read your word. I didn’t spend time with you. And….thus, it’s no surprise why I would end up where I was….til today.

You saved me from allowing those thoughts to formulate to the point of really not caring where my friends spend eternity. While perhaps I hadn’t gotten to that point, I wonder if I would have. Oh….Lord, give me strength to hold your hand as you pull me through…

Lord…it’s another topic, but I want to talk to you about it now. Dry Land country. It looks like a trip there could happen- there are all of the sudden a lot of contacts. But, Lord, where do I go? Where do you want me? Who do you want me with? And yet, I think of my friends in Delaware and wonder how effective I could be staying there...

How does one decide where to go/what to do?
Is it based on how effective you would be?
Is it based on what you like to do?
Is it based on what you can do?
Is it based on the need?
Is it based on the environment?
Is it based on your chances of success?
Is it based on your chances of failure?

I think I tend to see things like this: I probably have more chances of developing a relationship with my friends in Delaware and them accepting the Truth than I ever would have with a woman in Central Asia. But, the woman in Central Asia has less chances, if any of hearing about Jesus, whereas my friends in DE have already heard…and will only continue to have more chances. The woman in Centra Asia has no chance or hearing unless someone goes.

Not that I’m trying to decide now…just praying through the thoughts, and ideas…It’s so great to know that YOU KNOW! And I know you! Sweet! Trusting you isn’t so hard since I know you already know everything! :) Lord, you know what I need to know now and what I don’t. I want to know everything, but I know that knowing everything isn’t always best. I’m asking you then, not to tell me everything, but only what you want me to know…what I ‘need’ to know now.

Seemingly separate, but really part of the same issue- show me if instead of Central Asia, I should consider another country, another people group…or even consider coming back to Kahan…Lord, I am yours. I don’t want to just follow another dream- though I believe the dream I had/have for Kahan was from you, but I realize too that my desires were also wrapped up in that. True, you probably won’t send me somewhere I hate, or I really don’t want to be…but, help me to be open to WHEREVER you might want me…help me not just follow my emotions or desires…If Riverland is somewhere you want me to visit before going home…even reveal that to me…or, hey, if you want me to check out somewhere else I haven’t even thought of…show me that….

Lord, you are amazing, awesome and greatest not just among all gods…But you are God, period. There is none other besides you.

I love you!!

~ Amen!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Feeling guilty about a pedicure? (Email to Parents)

Hey Mommy and Daddy,

Well, I’m sitting here in my room at training in Thailand, listening to the rain fall.

Today I searched the world for reasons why anyone in their right mind would choose to become a dentist. Does anyone actually have the desire to put their hands in other people’s mouths, and get all the junk out? I had to apologize to the dentist, “My mouth is just tired, I’m sorry, I can’t keep it open.” I think the next time I have a dentist appointment, I’m going to do mouth exercises for the week before so I can get my mouth ready for being open so long.

After the dentist, I went to get my haircut, as well as a manicure/pedicure (just fyi- total of about $10.00)- in the most relaxing atmosphere ever. I hadn't slept for more than probably 2 hours last night, and even that, was not all at one time- but 10 minutes here and there (our plane left Delhi at 11:30pm, landed in Bangkok at 4:30am).

So, today I actually fell asleep while my toenails were being painted. I wondered how is it that I can live what seems to be like two extremes of a life? Now of course, this wasn’t a $100.00 pedicure perhaps you might find in downtown Manhattan, but still it was nice - and how can I be experiencing that, when just a few weeks ago, I had grass on my head, and scratches on my arms from bushes, sweat dripping down my back. Here I am today with a basket of perhaps 30 nail polishes to choose from.

After wondering if I should feel guilty for having my nails painted, I went to the chiropractor I went to last time. I can’t believe how he can fix me. My one leg ends up longer than the other- and somehow he fixes it. Amazing.

I was able to get a motorbike from the place where I'm staying for the day, so that worked out perfectly. It rained off and on all day, but only rained when I was inside somewhere- so convenient! It’s amazing, I know this city SO WELL. I started to get excited at one point as I took some back roads to purposely get lost…but to no avail, I soon came out where I predicted I would. This city is so well laid out!

I remembered some Thai phrases and used them with the pork vender on the side of the street. By the time I finished the dentist, the haircut, the chiropractor, it was nearly 6pm, and I hadn’t eaten a single thing since an egg at 5:30am in the Bangkok airport. I grabbed me up some meat on sticks, from people on the street, and sat there in the street on the bike chowing down. It's so fun to be free here and not worry what people think too much!

Anyway, I am going to open my mail from the past fwe months now...This is probably the most I’ll get to write over the next two weeks, but I wanted to share my day with someone. It does bring back memories of when you guys were here…

I miss you.

~ Elizabeth

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Testing in the capitol city!

I'm on my way to Thailand for training...but I stopped in the capitol for a day, and I got to visit Kiran - one of our Kahani neighbros, and do testing with her with most of the stories!
Here is a picture of some of the girls she lives with.