Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Feeling guilty about a pedicure? (Email to Parents)

Hey Mommy and Daddy,

Well, I’m sitting here in my room at training in Thailand, listening to the rain fall.

Today I searched the world for reasons why anyone in their right mind would choose to become a dentist. Does anyone actually have the desire to put their hands in other people’s mouths, and get all the junk out? I had to apologize to the dentist, “My mouth is just tired, I’m sorry, I can’t keep it open.” I think the next time I have a dentist appointment, I’m going to do mouth exercises for the week before so I can get my mouth ready for being open so long.

After the dentist, I went to get my haircut, as well as a manicure/pedicure (just fyi- total of about $10.00)- in the most relaxing atmosphere ever. I hadn't slept for more than probably 2 hours last night, and even that, was not all at one time- but 10 minutes here and there (our plane left Delhi at 11:30pm, landed in Bangkok at 4:30am).

So, today I actually fell asleep while my toenails were being painted. I wondered how is it that I can live what seems to be like two extremes of a life? Now of course, this wasn’t a $100.00 pedicure perhaps you might find in downtown Manhattan, but still it was nice - and how can I be experiencing that, when just a few weeks ago, I had grass on my head, and scratches on my arms from bushes, sweat dripping down my back. Here I am today with a basket of perhaps 30 nail polishes to choose from.

After wondering if I should feel guilty for having my nails painted, I went to the chiropractor I went to last time. I can’t believe how he can fix me. My one leg ends up longer than the other- and somehow he fixes it. Amazing.

I was able to get a motorbike from the place where I'm staying for the day, so that worked out perfectly. It rained off and on all day, but only rained when I was inside somewhere- so convenient! It’s amazing, I know this city SO WELL. I started to get excited at one point as I took some back roads to purposely get lost…but to no avail, I soon came out where I predicted I would. This city is so well laid out!

I remembered some Thai phrases and used them with the pork vender on the side of the street. By the time I finished the dentist, the haircut, the chiropractor, it was nearly 6pm, and I hadn’t eaten a single thing since an egg at 5:30am in the Bangkok airport. I grabbed me up some meat on sticks, from people on the street, and sat there in the street on the bike chowing down. It's so fun to be free here and not worry what people think too much!

Anyway, I am going to open my mail from the past fwe months now...This is probably the most I’ll get to write over the next two weeks, but I wanted to share my day with someone. It does bring back memories of when you guys were here…

I miss you.

~ Elizabeth

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