This is just from my journal- don’t get excited, I’ve hardly journaled anything, but am trying to do a little every day starting…Today! :) This will probably be sent tomorrow- Monday, and I may talk to you before then, but all well.
September 3, 2005
I went down to Dehradun yesterday. It was a wonderful day. After I got to the town, I had to walk a little way back to the road I wanted, and was looking for a rickshaw to take me to Grace, but there weren’t any, surprisingly. I started down the road and a vikrum came by. I had no idea where it was going, but for the time being, it was going in the direction I wanted to go, so I jumped on! Somehow, I feel like this would be a little scary for some people, getting into a vehicle, not knowing where it is going or when to get off…but I thought it was great!
I recognized a stop near to school and got off and walked the rest of the way- keep in mind it’s about 90 degrees with 110% humidity so I’m dripping wet. I walked down the lane to Grace…wow, so many memories cam flooding back. I walked in the gate- and the gatekeeper was there, the same guy as two years ago- I think he recognized me, but perhaps couldn’t remember me exactly. I told him Newton Sir was expecting me. I walked into the office and it was so wonderful to see the people I knew from two years ago- they looked at me for a second and then a big smile came over their faces as they came to greet me.
I wasn’t sure if people would remember, somehow I just figured they would forget. No, not at all. I too did not forget them- even their names, I remembered! I talked with some of the teachers in the corridor and then went to see my kids.
Wow, they were just the same as when I had left, except a little taller, a little more mature too I think! They waited patiently while I gave them candy and stickers. Aditya- one little boy is still the same little man as always- so mature and trying to keep everyone in line. So cute! I was able to be in the class with them all by myself and truly enjoyed it. They weren’t sure what to do at first- trying to remember how to behave, since last time I was their teacher and they had to stay in line for me. However, they warmed up right away and soon there was a chaos in the room! Once I had to walk out of the room to get them to settle down a little! They were such a blessing to be with and to remember all the days of instruction with them.
They wrote a little message on the board- I actually didn’t see it until I looked at this picture later. It said: “We will miss you- We love you Liz Ma’am”
Anyway, I had about 40 minutes of time with them, and them I went to the staff room to see the rest of the staff- it was tea time, so perfect timing. Newton Sir introduced me to the new staff and said some very nice things about me- even about my sari wearing and how he really appreciate me. He said, “From day one, Liz was basically an Indian and fit in so well here.”
I told them how I was so appreciative and thankful to be back at Grace and how it was like home for me- it truly is—even if there were frustrating times when I was there- I did spent approx. 6 days a week, from 7am to 2pm every day for 3 months- it’s as close to home as anything here! It was great to see the staff and talk with them as well. The best part, of course, was seeing my kids. I wanted to cry when I left, but didn’t. It was strange to have spent so much time there before and then to only have a half hour with them, it seemed too quick. And to think I might not see them again ever, or at least not for a long time. I almost want to go down again one day this week just to see them! I didn’t realize that I would feel this way at all- I figured, I’d see them, but they’d be different and forget me and that I too would have forgotten their names…However, it was completely opposite. Their smiles and laughter was such a joy to be a part of.
Perhaps I will go back…not necessarily to Grace, but to teaching Indian children in some way. Hmm. Lord, thank you for allowing me to visit Grace and to spend time with the staff and especially the children. Please continue to guide me on the path you have for me and show me your plan for my life. I thank you for the time I spent teaching at Grace and for the things you showed me during that time- such as, “I want you back in India.” Thank you for giving me a passion for teaching and children also and I pray that I will be able to use that over the next two years for your glory. Please continue to specifically direct me in the way you want me to go.
I also went to some Worker's homes for lunch. I was excited about seeing them as they had been encouraging and supportive from the beginning about the Epic program and even hinted at wanting to do something like that, but not at this time. They were much more hesitant and even discouraging as to how a program like that could even work.
I appreciate their wisdom and don’t take for granted that they have been in the work for many years and certainly have learned something from that, however, always felt discouraged about any kind of work after talking with them. Anyway, it was really nice to see everyone and although I feared having to answer many questions about what I’m doing- to which I don’t know the answer, it was not the case. Phil prayed a very nice prayer before lunch…and even prayed that people would trust in Him because of the work I’m doing! Anyway, lunch conversation was also pleasant. It was interesting to listen to them talk about the place I’m going as if they knew everything about it- of course I don’t know anything, so I let them talk. We’ll see how true things are and what might be different soon enough! They offered their home for me to come anytime I wanted a break or needed to get away- it was very kind of them.
Another Worker family also offered their home- they had come up to Mussoorie the day before and we had tea and walked around the mountain together. They had some good advice about language learning and working here, however they too were somewhat critical of how a program like this could work. In the end, they were encouraging, said they would pray and offered their home to both Robin and I whenever we wanted. It’s great to have friends here and to know that I/we can come here anytime and have a place to stay.
Anyway, I need to get ready for church. I’ll go to the language school church that has services in Hindi and English- hopefully I’ll get something out of it!
I hope to study most of the rest of the day- since I did not yesterday. We’ll see how that goes. I hope I can get a lot accomplished.