Tuesday, August 9, 2005

Clouds placed by His hand... (Journal Entry)

(after arriving in M town - a place where we'll be studying some of the trade language for the next month)

It is late and I need to get to bed. However, not without thanking you, Lord, for another day and for your beautiful creation. Robin and I went for a walk this evening and were overcome by the majestic mountains and the beautiful valleys.

The rosy sunset behind the mountains slowly disappears as the purple mist hovers on the mountains like a hummingbird hovers over the sweet nectar in the flower. The clouds rest on top of the mountain as if they were placed there by hand – and they were! The little dots of light spread out on the mountain cause me to wonder, “Who lives there? Do they know about Jesus?” Lord, I pray that your word would penetrate the hearts of the people here and all over the mountains around me.

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