Yesterday, I set out for the bazaar to take Judy’s suit to the tailor, look for a phone, and then go to Vimals’ family’s house to fix the David story. It was raining when I left, and pouring as soon as I got on the bike, hail too for a little bit I think. BUT, I have that wonderful waterproof jacket, that protected me, plus a nice fashionable plastic mask thing that attaches to my helmet to block some of the rain.
Needless to say, when I arrived in the bazaar, the bottom half of me was all stuck together because it was so wet. I could not have been more wet if I had jumped in a pool. And my face was soaked too...It was great though- no one else was out on the road! Perfect time to go driving. Everyone was huddled in shops and under trees to escape the rain- after all, who goes out in the rain? Only crazy foreigners who don’t know any better.
When I went into a shop, a puddle would form underneath me from all the water dripping off my salwar suit. And my flip flops are the super slippery kind, so I had a fun time trying to walk- I think I used some different muscles in my body trying to tip toe on the slippery pathway. I actually slid some too. If I was not a girl, I would have slid on my stomach- it would have been perfect for that!!!! But too bad, modesty and reputation had to get in the way!
After realizing I needed copies of my passport, phone bill and two passport pictures to get the SIM card for the phone (duh, have I not been through this before?)…I started driving to Vimal’s house, up the bazaar road, trying to avoid the ruts that had formed from the torrential downpour earlier.
I came around the corner near their house, and saw the most beautiful rainbow I’ve ever see in my whole life- in fact, I think it must have been the most beautiful rainbow ever made- except for Noah’s. It was between one mountain, all the way across the valley to the other mountain, full of color. It seemed like I was only about 100 feet from the end of the rainbow and had I driven further, I might have reached the end…Because of that, it was so big and bright and beautiful…what a glorious reminder of God’s faithfulness and promise to us…just what I needed.
Anyway, just wanted to share that with you! Have a great day!
~ Elizabeth
p.s. It doesn't look like a trip to Pakistan is going to happen this year after all....All well.
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