Sunday, November 26, 2006

I will miss the mountains...(Journal Entry)

As I watch the sun rise over the mountains across the valley, I thank you Lord for the sun and for the mountains. Especially the mountains. Like you, they are always there. Every morning, no matter what, they are there. I think besides the people, the mountains will be what I miss most of all from my life here. It is like a daily reminder of your faithfulness. A daily encouragement that you are the same today as you were when you lead your people through the Red Sea. A daily challenge to serve you to the fullest- with as much strength as a mountain can demonstrate. With as much courage as it would take to climb the mountain. For while we don’t have to climb too many tall physical mountains, the emotional and spiritual mountains we must climb are indeed high- but then again, not higher than you have already planned for us.

If I didn’t know better, I would probably end up worshipping the mountains!!! Thankfully, I worship the CREATOR of the mountains- who is even greater…wow, that can blow one away…Something greater than the tallest snow-cap peak? Something stronger, bolder? Yes, yes! Amazing to even consider!

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