August 4, 2006 (this is longer than originally planned!)
I got the Exodus story reviewed today with Anne- made the changes, but did not re-record…she struggled to tell it. There were a lot of changes, I think that’s why. I know it’s also not natural at all, which makes it harder. I asked her if I could come to her house tomorrow (Saturday)- would plan on spending the night. Both Mamta and Anne were unsure because they had some stuff to do in the bazaar, and didn’t know what time they would return.
I wonder if it could be true they don’t want me to come? And I’m just not getting the hints? Do I keep trying? I did tell one shopkeeper near NTD that I would visit his family tomorrow, so I’ll try to do that- and then go to Mamta’s house, I guess….is that really the best use of my time?
I mean, technically, it’s a “Day off”- so I can do whatever, even if it’s a “waste” of time in regards to the work- I can just visit people and enjoy that…but even on my “Free time”- perhaps I should be intentional in who I visit…there are neighbors RIGHT next to us…shouldn’t I visit them? Hmm.
The girls in the sewing class keep asking to hear the stories- they haven't heard these stories before, and most are pukka Kahani girls and women…so that's encouraging! One cool thing was a new girl came in today and randomly, kind-of under her breath starting telling the Fall story. I looked at her, and said, “how do you know that story?” She said, “She told me”- and pointed to one of the girls who had heard the story from Anne two days prior to that. “She told me, and I learned it.”
Wow…that’s cool! Something to praise the Lord about…in addition to EVERYTHING ELSE…really, there is so much to praise Him for- and thinking on that, and those things, I can get motivation from that!
I almost hit a donkey on the way to work this morning- that was a new one. And drove through the normal herd of goats on the way back. :) If nothing else, my life is an adventure…yes, maybe having an adventure EVERY day is a little draining…but honestly, who could ask for a better life than this? Not all days are easy, in fact, perhaps most are hard...but let's not focus on that!!
Last night, looked through pictures from the beach again…I have these moments of really wishing to be home…one moment is wishing to be laying on my puffy comforter on my bed, leaning against the pillows, reading a book with Natalie…snuggling together…
I have moments of teasing Mark as I walk into my room, and he in his room- teasing him from my room, and he laughs and defends whatever it was we were talking about. Then of course, there are hot-tub moments, with snow all around, getting out to go inside, and your feet basically freezing off because of the ice and snow. These days, I think about eating hamburgers (yes, beef!), with ketchup, fresh lettuce, and corn on the cob- eating around the picnic table. Natalie maybe in her swimming suit, sitting on a towel- and when she’ll get up, there will be a little wet print from where she sat. I think also about being around the fire, listening to Grandfather tell about his army days, or about Grandmother. I also think about sitting at Trisha’s table in her living room, eating ice cream and talking about possibly marrying Rahul. Somehow I can’t wait to come back and do everything I didn’t do when I was there…more than anything, take time to really hang out with my brother and sister.
Then my thoughts turn to where I might be in two years from now…will I be back here, or in another country? Will I be doing stories? What about the normal, “happy” life back in America? Do I want to try that for a while, live that life for a bit? Honestly, I’m afraid I might get stuck there…which isn’t bad or wrong if that’s what God wants…
I think about leaving Mark, Natalie, Mommy, Daddy again- no…somehow I don’t think I can do it. I keep thinking, no I can’t come back, I can’t leave my family again…not without my own family at least. And then I wonder- by saying this, what God might call me to, in order to stretch me. Of course I can leave family. I did it once, I can do it again- not in my strength by any means, but if God calls, then He will also give the strength…Not saying that will happen…but it is a realization…It is also SO FAR away, and takes too much energy to comprehend right now…
I can’t wait until you all come here…already envisioning you coming through the doors in the Delhi airport arrivals area (or Thailand airport), and just seeing myself running toward you, and hugging you for about 10 minutes…
It’s raining now, I should go open our water tanks, so some water can get in- we were down to about 2 inches of water in the tanks this morning. I don’t think anymore water came today yet either…
Love ya, and miss you a lot!
~ Elizabeth