Monday, March 20, 2006

Contentment (Journal Entry)

(picture from the other side of town...on a clear day!)

Vivian led the Sunday worship time yesterday and challenged us with a lesson on contentment.

Prescription for Contentment:
1) Never allow yourself to complain about anything- not even the weather.
2) Never picture yourself in any other circumstances or someplace else.
3) Never compare your lot with another’s.
4) Never allow yourself to wish this or that had been otherwise.
5) Never dwell on tomorrow- remember that tomorrow is God’s, not ours.

This past week, #2 was a challenge to me as I certainly pictured myself in the village as opposed to here, in the town. Each night as I went to sleep, I tried hard to imagine myself in the village, with the people there, hoping I would dream about it. Yet, is this what God wants from me? He has me here, right now in city. What am I doing wishing I was someplace else? He has work for me to do here- and even if I’m doing the work, if my mind is someplace else, the work won’t be completed as effectively, or as quickly.

Thank you Lord for giving Vivian this topic to challenge us with. You know I needed it!!! Thank you for convicting me of these things and helping me to change. Thank you for giving me an attitude of excitement about the work here and for going out and doing it- regardless of what others think or say. Help me to continue to press on, and to encourage others.

Thank you for helping me realize that I need to share more - share contacts, share information. Please give me the attitude of a servant and a “share-er” – as Grandmother always said, “It’s fun to share.” May I too ‘share’ in regards to people.

This time of fasting today is to be for the people of this region. I will now spend time in prayer for them.

“And His name will be the hope of all the world” ~ Matthew 12:21 (NLT)
“In His name the nations will put their hope.” ~ Matthew 12:21 (NIV)

I pray this for the Kahani people. For the kids, the young adults, the old people- may they put their trust in your and their hope in you. I pray that they would turn from their statues and realize that you alone can heal them, and give them life.

-----written later-------------------------------------------
We just returned from two visits- one of the neighbor- Neeru. We went to visit her, and also ask her to back-translate Anju’s story and jokes. We didn’t know how it would turn out…And it turns out we both wish she wasn’t moving to another city becuase she would be a perfect story-teller!!!

She retold Anju’s Kahani stories in English. Her son came out after a while and he too helped translate. When she finished telling the stories, we talked for a while and she said, “This is her story- I have stories too...” Let me tell you another story- so she told us a story…I recorded it!

Later, I had asked her son for some good songs in Kahani. He was telling me some and when his mom came out, he asked her for some suggestions. She said, “I’ll sing you a song.” And she did! We recorded that too!!!

It was really neat to be able to have the back-translation of Anju’s story and jokes, and see how, after hearing the stories, Neeru wanted to tell more stories!

All in all, it was a good visit. She was helpful and wants us to come again. She said we’re welcome anytime. It seemed she liked helping us- If only she wasn’t moving! But, God does know better. He knows that in spite of her knowing English, having time, wanting to help us, and living two minutes away from us- there is some other reason she shouldn’t be our story crafter. Or, there is someone better. Or, perhaps she will at some point be involved in the work. We do not know- it is frustrating from our stand-point, but exciting to think that God knows and He knows better and while we think this person might be great, God is going to provide someone even better!!! It’s His work, why shouldn’t He make the decision on who will do it?

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