Friday, December 2, 2005

Water Issues (Email to Parents)

Good morning/evening,

So, I might have to break out the “no water needed” shampoo today. And even the soap.

It’s been a week since I bathed, and three days since I’ve washed my hair- and today, our landlord came up and said, “We have little water, don’t use much…I don’t know when we’ll get it again.”

Ugh. UGH, UGH, UGH. What to do? Kya karoon? (that means, "what to do"- in Hindi).

And last night, while pouring boiling water into my water bottle (it's so cold here, we use hot water bottles to sleep with), the boiling water came bubbled back up over the water bottle and all over my hand. I put cold water on it for a while and Vivian had some burn cream and while it was throbbing last night, it seems okay now- sore, but okay.

Anyway, you must know my life isn’t all joys and happiness!!!! I know you know that. And yet….would I want to be anywhere else right now? No, honestly, no. Would it be nice to take a trip to somewhere and have a warm shower for as long as I want, and not be freezing cold at night, and be able to speak the language perfectly, and etc, etc, etc….? Sure, that’d be nice.

But, at least now, that won’t happen. I might as well accept that, and realize that…and adjust my expectations.

Pray for patience, strength and “humor” in the midst of it all!!!

~ Elizabeth

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