Tuesday, May 2, 2006

The most agreeable person in the world! :) (Email to Mommy)

I am realizing that I must be the most agreeable person in the world. No, seriously, I very rarely bring up issues, I never start a conflict. I’m very agreeable and whatever anyone else wants to eat, or do, I’m fine with. Really….haha…I know I have my issues, of course.

And yet, I actually am not so sure this is a good thing- I think there should be someone in the relationship (partnership or marriage!haha) who isn’t “afraid” of conflict and can bring it up- because sometimes (though maybe not all the time) it does need to be discussed. Who usually brings it up between you and Daddy? I’m thinking you probably. I’m more like Daddy- avoid conflict at ALL costs!!! I am glad that Robin brings things up more, even though I know it's hard for her too!

Anyway, just random thoughts this evening.

Love ya!

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