Friday, May 5, 2006

Best Session Ever (Journal Entry)

Wow- today was perhaps our best session ever- a great note to end the week on. Pastor Moses was not there, we were not able to tell the story, our "plan A" was not possible. However, somehow, we were able to communicate to make the story shorter, to summarize, to put things in order, etc- and she did it…and we got it recorded. Anne made the comment when we were done, “I like being with you.” We told her, we like being with her too. We took some pictures too- and laughed a lot.

Anyway, I still think she is saying it from memory, rather than a natural story- but at least now it’s shorter, and more summarized, and things are in order more…I feel like we made great progress today. Now we have to get it back-translated and see if it’s biblically accurate!!!

We were a lot more relaxed in the session, and asked her a lot more questions - letting her lead in how to tell it, what to say, etc. We talked through each part rather than just try and get her to do the whole thing at one time. Don’t ask me why we didn’t do it like this on the first day…goodness!!! I apologized to Anne for mixing things up today- and told her we were learning about stories just like her- and she was doing an excellent job.

Another thing from today’s session- My limited knowledge of Kahani helped in several places. I was able to catch her saying the word for children (which is different than in Hindi), and was able to ask her to put that part later in the story (i.e. when God says to multiply and fill the earth). I was really impressed with how much I could follow along and stop her when I didn’t think something was right. Now, we’ve listened to the Book recording probably 5 times, and heard her tell the story about 10 times too- so you’d think I would have gathered something!

Another thing, and I have to write and tell Akash (my Indian friend from Delaware) this. Most of the words such as creation, sky, angel, etc- I actually learned when I was with Akash crafting the creation story. Those are words from Hindi- they don’t have them in Kahani and thus I had learned them with Akash when we did the creation story before. I would not have known much at all had he not helped me with that story. I’m starting to wonder about future stories- thinking I need to learn the vocab asap so I can at least follow along like I did for this one…Anyway, several times I thought back to those sessions in the Newark library or at BrewHaHa on Main Street with Akash discussing Creation and words, etc. It was not a crafting session like we do now, but similar, and lots of the words are the same as they are now…how cool….little did Akash know how much help he would be!

Anyway, the trip on the bike went well too; stopped to get gas- no problems. I am regretting only getting a scooter- it hardly has any power at all!! An actual motorcycle would have done better on the ruts and holes in the road, plus would have more power…more dangerous in ways, but actually more safe. Our little scooter isn’t make for these kaccha roads. All well- have to start somewhere…this gets us there and back…that’s good enough…for now… :) I do really feel like dirtbiking in Thailand prepared me best for driving here. I would be much more hesitant to go over the ruts and such here if I had not gone dirtbiking- and if you are hesitant, or go too slow, you just fall down (as I learned when we went dirtbiking). So key is to keep up speed (unless a truck is coming!)….and just take the bumps as best you can…our little bike hits them pretty hard.

It’s only 11:30- we are back already today…the whole afternoon to….study language!!! Well, maybe not the whole afternoon. We’ll have to get this story back-translated…Anyway, I’m disappointed, because now with a bike, I can only wear my clothes maybe twice before they are completely dirty and dusty. Before it was about a week I could go without washing them! Aw man!

Father, wow- thank you for an amazing week that is not over yet! Thank you especially for the time with Anne today. Not only did she seem more comfortable, but the story seems better too. Thank you that taking pictures seemed to ease any tension even more and that she is starting to see us as her friends- at least it appears that way. Thank you for her willingness to meet with us and for her interest in the work- may that develop into interest more in the stories and in You too.

Please give Robin and I a restful afternoon, but also productive. Help us to help each other with the work- and if we can split it up, help us to do that. Thank you so much for keeping us safe on the bike this week.

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