Sunday, April 30, 2006

Second Storying Session! (Journal Entry)

(pic- Robin, me, Anne)
------Before Storying Session-------
We’re off to our second storying session this morning…I’m excited and nervous again. I hope we get some kind of recording done today, that would be encouraging.

Both Robin and I think we should add Gen.1 to the story, but I don't think we'll add it today- as perhaps that would cause more confusion and would make Anne feel like there is a whole lot more to learn. We would try and do the Gen. 2 story, and then tomorrow add Gen. 1 to it…not sure how that will work, I still kind-of feel it would be better to add it all at once, but perhaps that Gen. 2 part won’t change that much after adding Gen. 1.

Basically, we have to try stuff- and this is one thing we’re trying…who knows how it will work.

Lord- I want to praise you today. After learning more about Daniel and how he praised you- I want to praise you too!!! I want to go up on the roof and sing your praises to all the Kahani people. If only that was an acceptable thing to do in this culture!!! You are wise and good and strong and kind and you are the one who determines everything that happens or doesn’t happen.

Father, I do not praise you because I want something. You already know my needs, and have provided for me. You know my desires too, and are answering those requests before I even ask of you. How great it is to be able to just sit in your presence and think about how wonderful you are! Wow! You are amazing, God- thank you for being you!

As we have already prayed, I will ask again for your blessings on the storying session today…Please guide our conversation- guide my Hindi and comprehension in the langauge. Please give Robin amazing insight into the language and the scriptures. Help me to humble myself to ask her opinions too. Help us both to realize we are in this together.

I ask these things in your name, Amen

---------After Storying Session ----------
So, we had our second storying session. It went better than the first I think…

We arrived a little early (since we take public transportation there is no knowing when we’ll actually arrive). We started right in on asking Anne some questions that she had been embarrassed to answer previously when Sam was there. She gave some interesting answers.

“What do Kahani people think about death?”
- If a man did good work in his life, he will be with God. If he did bad work, then… (I couldn’t understand what she said at this point- we asked her to repeat the answer, and we recorded it- will ask someone later to translate it for us).

“What do Kahani people think about the part in the story when it says, the man and woman will leave their parents?” (as in Indian culture, the woman moves in with the husband’s family). She said, "These days, this is okay. This happens. A man and woman do live separately.
I asked, “But normally it's not okay, right?”
She said, "Right, but if Kahani people hear that God said to do this, they will do it."

Well, that’s good to know. Robin made the comment that these stories could totally change their culture!!!

We asked to retell as much of the story as she could remember. She was nervous, but said okay. She asked if she should retell it in Hindi or Kahani. I explained that the final recording and retelling would be in Kahani, but since we don’t know Kahani as much as Hindi, she should retell it in Hindi.

And she did. She got nearly every single detail- amazing.

We listened to the Kahani scripture again (clarification - a translation team had previously translated Genesis and Mark at this point). At that point Sam came in. We continued listening and then discussed the story a little more. We then took a 5 minute break.

Then we asked if Anne could retell the story, in Kahani and we would record it. We explained it was the first time, so it’s okay if she doesn’t remember all of it. We explained that we would record it a lot, so it was okay if she messed up or whatever. She got a nervous look on her face, and asked to listen to the recording again. Robin and I explained that maybe it would be good for her to try first, then we would listen again, then she could record again…we don’t want her to just memorize the recorded scripture.

She was still really nervous and kept saying, “I don’t remember it…” We started the recorder and she kind-of started, but stalled a lot, and fidgeted with her hands, clearly very nervous. Sam kind-of tried to help, but we told him to be quiet…

We stopped the recording, and then listened to it again- unsure how to handle the situation. She had told the story so wonderfully only about ½ hour previously- what was the deal now?

After the recording, we asked if she could tell it. She said, “okay”- but still seemed very hesitant. She started, but stopped several times. It seemed clear that she was embarrassed because Sam was there, but we didn’t really know what to do because of that. I asked her, “Why is it hard- because there are a lot of people here? Is it hard because there is electricity? I was trying to make a joke and break the tension and it worked. We all laughed! Is it because it’s in Kahani now?

She said, “No, it’s because I can’t remember.”
I said, “No, that’s not true- you already told the story to nicely this morning…now you don’t remember?”
She said, “Right, I don’t remember.”

We listened to Genesis 1 recording in Kahani twice and then said we were finished with the story work for today. We said tomorrow we would put Gen 1 and 2 together.

Then, we asked her if she could tell a joke or memory from her childhood for us to learn language with. She said yes, but then couldn’t. I said, I think it’s because you feel embarrassed because Sam is here??? I was trying to make it a joke so Sam didn’t feel bad and so she could admit that was the reason. Sam actually got the hint and said, “Yes…tomorrow, just Anne will come alone, I won’t come.”

I said “okay…” amazed that he offered that solution on his own.

After this, we prayed- Sam prayed for us so Anne could understand. Then Anne went to her sewing class. We asked Sushil if he could read Hindi Gen. chp 1 for us and we could record him. Our recording of Gen. 1 was not very good so we wanted to get it again. He agreed. After that we also talked about Anne. I told him, before you came, she was talking a lot…He said, “that is the way with all Indian girls. In front of a man, they feel embarrassed and won’t talk…It’s okay- you try with her alone and see how it goes." I said, we would try and we would talk to him about it- I didn’t want him to feel completely left out or as if we don’t need him anymore.

We then talked with the ladies who were sewing on our way out. The teacher of the class said,
Teacher: “How long is the story Anne is supposed to learn?”
Me: “Not too long…”
Teacher: “She said she couldn’t do it.”
Me: “Oh no, she did do it- she did a great job too!!! She really did do it!!!”

I felt bad that Anne perhaps felt incompetent and even told her teacher about it. But I truly think it was because Sam was there- I can’t wait til tomorrow to see if she can retell it- just as she did the Hindi –nearly perfectly! I hope she doesn’t get discouraged from today. I had made a big deal when she finished the Kahani- saying, “Your first story- awesome, that was great, you did a good job…etc.”

Anyway, we talked with Pastor Moses afterwards about Sam. He totally agreed and he said, “Plus, Sam has a ‘christian mind’ so he doesn’t know about the culture and other things…” I feel like God is keeping Pastor Moses in step with us, or one step ahead – just knowing how and why things are the way they are. He was supportive of whatever we needed.

We also asked him how much a motorbike would cost. He said about 30,000 rupees- which is about $750.00. We asked about insurance, helmets, and didn’t think to ask, but Pastor Moses offered information about licenses too. He said he would help us get one if we wanted to get one.

I’m not sure what to do. We still need to find out how much gas would cost. Right now, we are spending about a dollar a day in transportation- so getting it would not cut down on cost of transportation- it’s still cheaper to go public transportation. It would cut down on time mainly…is that all? Is that reason enough to get it? It would add a little bit in other areas- figuring it out/how to drive in the mountains, care/maintenance- is that a reason not to get it?

I am still wondering if moving to the other side of town isn’t the best option…why get a bike if we should just move? I don’t know…the other thing is if we do move or if we don’t- there are still people on both sides of the city that we would need to be in contact with and use. The other people that Pastor Joseph’s wife told me about live on the other side of the city too…

I think later today, I’ll go ask that our neighbor who speaks English and Kahani if she can be a back-translator for us….hmm….we’ll see…I do need to research the Exodus story some more, maybe I’ll do some of that…how impersonal- sitting in front of the computer….ugh! Haha, all well.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

First Storying Session ever! (Journal Entry)

Well, we had our first storying session.

It was…different than what I expected in many ways.

Anne was there when we got there, so we sat and talked with her some (in Hindi). I tried in my broken Hindi to explain what we were going to do. We listened to the Kahani recording first. When it was finished she asked, “Is there more?” I said, “yes, but we’ll do this part today.” She understood and said okay- then she asked if she was supposed to retell the story. I said, “no, we’ll listen to it a few more times, and talk about it.” She was relieved as she said, “I can’t remember all of it!”

Sam came in right about that time, and apologized for being late. He sat down and I explained slowly, (in English) the same thing I had just to Anne. He didn’t really respond, so I asked in Hindi if he understood what I said- he said yes.

We started with Genesis 2, thinking that would be a simpler story to start with. But Sam stopped us about ½ way through and said, “what about the first seven days? Did you just skip them?” We explained that we didn’t skip them, we would do a story about them- we were just starting with Gen. 2 for today. He was still confused for a long time as to why we didn’t include that part. Anne was of course left out since she doesn’t know the story of creation. It required a lot of patience from us as he kept saying, “on day one, day two- you have to include that…”

We kept listening to the recording… Sam stopped it again and said, “The names of the four rivers isn’t important.” Great! A great crafting note- we know not to include the names of the rivers. We asked Anne what she thought the Kahani people would think about rivers and names of rivers- she also said it wasn’t important.

Sam left at one point and I asked Anne what other part she thought was important or not important. She said that having that God made Adam and that from Adam God made Eve was very important. I didn’t get to ask her “why” it was important.

We asked Anne if had a story like this. She said yes, but she didn’t know the whole thing. Sam said that there was the science story that said we came from a monkey. I think he doesn’t know the Hindu/cultural stories. He has grown up a Christian and therefore, is also unaware (as we are) of the Hindu cultural stories.

Then, the instructor for the sewing class came in. We moved to another room. We had 30 minutes left, and at that point realized that no recording was going to happen today. We discussed the story- which was all in Hindi. I went through and asked how the kumaoni people would like/not like certain parts of the story. I asked what parts of the story were important and which parts weren’t. All of the answers came from Sam. Anne just sat there. I directed several questions to her, but he answered. A few times, I said, “okay, this is just for Anne”- she would kind-of answer, and then Sam would also comment. It was really hard to get Sam to be quiet and to hear what Anne's thoughts were.

It was hard becuase sometimes I could ask a question, but didn't understand their answers at all. So what was the point in even asking the question? Man, I have to learn more language!!

At the end of the session, we asked when they could meet next- Anne offered Monday...All in all, it was a good first session….but we have a long way to go!

Friday, April 28, 2006

Fasting and Prayer (Journal Entry)

Day of Fasting for Story-crafters and Kahani People

“Praise the name of God forever and ever,
for he alone has all wisdom and power.
He determines the course of world events;
he removes kings and sets others on the throne.
He gives wisdom to the wise
and knowledge to the scholars.
He reveals deep and mysterious things
and knows what lies hidden in darkness,
though he himself is surrounded by light.
I thank and praise you, God of my ancestors,
for you have given me wisdom and strength.
You have told me what we asked of you
and revealed to us what the king demanded.”

~ Daniel 2:20-23

Praise the Lord for our story-crafters. Praise the Lord for He alone knows who will be the ones to accomplish his work here among the Kahani people. He is the one who decides who the story-crafters will be. He is the one who knows who the story-crafters will not be. He knows how long we will have to wait until a story is complete. He knows how hard we will have to work to get a story right. He knows how patient our story-crafters will have to be with us as we learn. He knows how patient we will have to be with them as we work with them.

Father, you know all things- what a glorious thought. My prayer today is specifically for Sam and Anne. These two people have agreed to work with us- they know somewhat what they are getting into. Probably they know about as much as we do! We aren’t even sure what we’re getting into! We know it is your work and you’ve called us to it- and that is enough for me. I feel I have already learned a lot from researching all that is behind your word. Thank you for the provision of commentaries and resources to learn more from your word.

I pray now for Sam. He is a young man, eager to serve you. He seems a little more literate than we would prefer, but perhaps he will become more non-literate through this process! If he is literate, it is probably that he is respected, and that is not a bad thing. He grew up in the city- again not a bad thing, but does mean that his Kahani is not very good. Please help him as he works with us not to feel as if his Kahani isn’t good enough, but to acknowledge that he too can learn- from Anne. I pray that his background in the church and a Christian family will only aid the project. I pray that he will not try and force things just because it is the way he has heard them. The same prayer I pray for Robin and I- as it is so easy to refer back to the stories we heard in Sunday school and think they are direct from your word. However, so often they miss something amazing or they skip over something important. Please help Sam to learn so much about you through this process. Help him to be humble and really desire to learn. I pray that he won’t feel awkward meeting with three women- but that he would take somewhat of a leader role, but not dominating. I pray that he would see Anne not only as a partner in this work, but also as a girl who needs to know about Jesus. Please help him in his communication with us to remember that he is setting an example for her. I pray that there would be clear communication (in English or Hindi) between Sam and us. I pray that you would change Sam through this process- change him to be more like you.

I pray for Anne. Father, she is not your child, yet. She may never have heard some of the stories we will be sharing. Wow- what an opportunity for her to hear, and for us to share with her. Lord, please give her wisdom in knowing what parts of the stories will connect with the Kahani audience. Please help her to be honest with us in sharing aspects of the culture and religion that may affect the stories. I pray that she does not feel scared, worried or as if we are the ones with all the knowledge. I pray that she would quickly feel comfortable with us- not just as fellow workers on the stories, but as friends. May we somehow establish a great friendship with her. Through our friendship, through the stories- may she know more about You and your love for her. Please open her heart and mind to the stories and what you want to teach her through them. I pray that she would be a great story-teller too…that she would be able to craft stories that people would want to listen to and would want to hear more. I pray that she would craft the stories in a way that is accurate and true. Please help her not to feel bad as the first time a story is crafted it is just the beginning of the process and that it can/will be changed several times. Please help her not to be discouraged when we have to re-do a story. Help her to understand we want to make it better than it was before.

Father, please open the hearts of the Kahani people. Prepare them for the stories from your Word. Prepare the people in the city- the ones who speak Kahani and the ones who don’t- prepare them for the worldview shift that may come from these stories. Prepare the Kahani people in the village. They seem to far from knowing about you. Please give them understanding into the stories when they hear them. Give them a desire to know more and to know you. Show them that these stories are true and they offer eternal life and peace. Help them realize they do not need to change their lifestyle- they do not need to change their clothes, their language, or their culture. Give them insight into the stories- may they become even more excited about you than we are!! May the people worship you and praise you because of the truth they will hear in the stories.

I pray that the Kahani people would respect the story-teller who may travel to their villages and homes. I pray that they would not think the story-teller is anyone special, but that the stories are about Somenoe who is indeed special. I pray that they would see that Someone as one who is personal, unlike the ones just sitting on the shelf.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Meeting with Robin and Family stuff (Journal Entry)

(sign in the bazaar!)

So, today we to our friend's house and asked them to record the first few chapters of Genesis in Kahani. It was fun to finally be doing something related to our story work (not language or cultural learning) and that also involved the people directly. I can’t wait until Saturday!!! I’m trying not to get too excited!

Robin and I met today for about 2 hours. We had a bunch of misc things to discuss related to the Creation story for Saturday as well as references for Irene (the woman working in another city on the written Word for the Kahani people) for the rest of the stories in our story set. It was a lot of business stuff to figure out, and could have been really stressful, but I was amazed. With only 1 or 2 minor disagreements, we were able to accomplish what we wanted to and even decide our prophesy story without getting on each other’s nerves or getting into a conflict!

I do think both of us have pride issues. Our conflict seems to sprout when one of us is not good at something and has to admit it to the other, or has to back down from something becuase the other person can do it better!

Anyway, tonight I asked our neighbor, "Precious" to help me with some Kahani questions, and since she speaks English think she could work as a back-translator.

I talked to Aunt Gayle tonight- it's so strange to talk to someone from America besides my mother for more than 20 minutes. It was good to hear about some things happening at home, and I asked her to be honest with me and keep me informed and if she ever feels I need to come home to tell me.

I do feel burdened now more than before for my family. I am away from home, though not unaware that things are happening at home. However being away does distance you to some extent from the problems and things going on. No matter how much communication there is, I can’t know everything – and even if I did, what could I do? I'm so glad that Mommy does keep me informed as much as she does. At least I can pray for them.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

How AMAZING! (Journal Entry)

HOW AMAZING! Can you believe it? Well, God, of course you can believe it- you orchestrated it!! I’m just shocked at how you answered my prayer (our prayers) in this way. And to think even this morning, I was praying to you and confessing my unbelief and doubtful attitude…and, boy you showed me. I thank you so much for showing me that indeed you are in control. I thank you for arranging this meeting. Even if nothing works out- I have new energy and excitement for the work and more faith in you!!

I praise you for Robin too- it seems that we have begun to enjoy each other more. It seems that we are both excited about this work- more than before. Just as I am adjusting to things and yes, as I change my perspective on things, she is too!

God, I do thank you for the attitude we have been able to have with each other- being away from each other some in Thailand was helpful and healthy. Please bless our friendship. Please bless our partnership. May we not just see each other as a co-worker. May we see each other as friends too and not lose that friendship. Please help us to be honest with each other and trust each other too. Please be in the midst of our communication.

Please help us to quickly figure out how to divide the work- as it already seems cumbersome to both be working on the same things. I pray that however we divide it will work out well and we will enjoy the part of the work we do- and that we will succeed in it…not just for our own sake, but for the sake of the project. I pray that the part of the work we dislike, we will persevere and do it anyway because it needs to be done, if nothing else.

Thank you for giving us this work to do…what an honor.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

God provided some people to work with!!! (Email to team)

April 25, 2006- Email sent to supervisors, tr workers.

Hello! We met with pastor Moses today because he said he had two people who could possibly help us. (Pastor Moses is one of the local pastors we talked to about finding a story crafter before we left).

We met "Anne" and "Sam". Sam is a believer and attends Pastor Moses’ church. He wants to be involved with some sort of ministry and is currently traveling to different villages to preach there. He speaks English, Hindi and some Kahani and is free to work with us any time. Anne is not a believer. Right now, she is attending sewing classes that are held at Pastor Moses’ church. She lives in a village 5-6 km away (1 hour) but comes every day (Mon-Sat) for classes, which are from 11am-2pm. She speaks Kahani, and Hindi. During our conversation with them, Sam said that Anita’s Kahani was better than his. They also said that they speak the same dialect of Kahani. We kind-of explained what the crafting process will look like. They are both willing to work with us, without pay.

We hope that Sam will act more as a translator and since Anne's Kahani is better, she would take on more of the crafting role.

We have set a time to craft our first story, Creation, on Saturday morning before the sewing class. Pastor Moses offered the use of the church as a meeting place, so we’ll meet there.

We’re planning on asking two other friends to record Genesis 1-2 in Hindi. We will play this for Sam and Anne on Saturday, thus keeping the crafting process as oral as possible.

On Saturday, we’ll see how the crafting session goes and how often they can meet with us.

We also asked Anne today if there was someone else from her village who could come teach us language- possibly while Anne is in her sewing class. She said she would try to think of someone.

We never expected something to happen this quickly. We are both encouraged by meeting Sam and Anne and look forward to Saturday! Thanks again so much for your help and support.

~ Elizabeth and Robin

Thursday, April 20, 2006

25 stories to complete by December!

Email Update- April 20, 2006

Short Version
Training…25 stories to complete by December!!!
P & P

Our training this time looked a little different from last time. While we had some group discussion time, we also had several opportunities to discuss our project with our consultant and with other teams. (Our consultant will visit the project at various stages to provide feedback and check the work. Once story-crafting begins, we will be in constant communication with her over email).

Meeting with other teams was a blessing and I think will be the most fruitful part of our trainings. Hearing other teams’ stories and what worked and what didn’t was encouraging and motivating. While figuring out our own plans was stressful at times, it was being able to talk it through with others who have gone before that helped make it easier!

We have a goal to complete approx. 25 stories by December. Between other trainings we have and other times when we’ll be away from our people, this comes down to completing about 1 story a week. Thus, we’ll be very busy from now til then! We also need to find a story-crafter to do the work with us!! Please be praying for this person over the next week. If we don’t find someone soon, we will attempt to work with our language helper and her sister to begin crafting stories.

We fly back on Saturday and will arrive in Kahan on Monday morning.

P & P
* Praise for productive meetings with consultants and other teams.
* Praise for encouragement from our fellow workers.
* Praise for times of “fun” during training too! (hiking, driving a motorbike and dirtbike, playing Frisbee, etc)
* Pray for safety traveling back (2 planes, 1 taxi, 1 train, 1 jeep)
* Pray for God to direct our steps to meet a story crafter within the next week!!!
* Pray for increased language learning- as we need to learn a lot more in order to understand the stories and really get into it!
* Pray for Robin’s and my relationship as we enter into a different aspect of the work now and figure out how to ‘divide and conquer!’

Thank you for your faithfulness in prayer and for the letters that some of you sent- they were a huge encouragement to me.

~ Elizabeth
“Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” Jeremiah 33:3

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Ready to go!

So, I feel really refreshed and encouraged today. I feel ready to return to our people and start our work. I have SO MUCH to learn, but have so much excitement to learn it! I am not sure how I’ll go about it- but can’t wait to figure it out!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Another package!


Wednesday, April 12, 2006


Yea for twizzlers that came in a package!!!

(Conor, Clayton and Nathan - sons of some of the teams here)

Sunday, April 9, 2006


Streams in the Desert- April 9, 06

“Everything is against me!” Genesis 42:36
“All things God works for the good of those who love him.” Romans 8:28

“Many people are lacking when it comes to power. But how is power produced? The other day, my friend and I were passing by the power plant that produces electricity for the streetcars. We heard the hum and roar of the countless wheels of the turbines, and I asked my friend, “How is the power produced?” He replied, “It simply is generated by the turning of those wheels and the friction they create. The rubbing produces the electric current.”

In a similar way, when God desires to create more power in your life, He creates more friction. He uses this pressure to generate spiritual power. Some people cannot handle it, and run from the pressure instead of receiving the power and using it to rise above the painful experience that produced it.

Opposition is essential to maintaining true balance between forces. It is the centripetal and centrifugal forces acting in opposition to each other that keep our planet in the proper orbit. The propelling action coupled with the repelling counteraction keep the earth in orbit around the sun instead of flinging it into space and a path of certain destruction.

God guides our lives in the same way. It is not enough to have only a propelling force. We need an equal repelling force, so He holds us back through the testing ordeals of life. The pressures of temptations and trials and all the things that seem to be against us further or progress and strengthen our foundation.

Let us thank Him for both the weights and the wings He produces. And realizing we are divinely propelled, let us press on with faith and patience in our high and heavenly calling.

In a factory building there are wheels and gearings,
There are cranks, pulleys belts either right or slack –
Some are whirling swiftly, some are turning slowly,
Some are thrusting forward, some are pulling back;
Some are smooth and silent, some are rough and noisy,
Pounding, rattling, clanking, moving with a jerk;

In a wild confusion in a seeming chaos,
Lifting, pushing, driving – but they do their work.
From the mightiest lever to the smallest cog or gear,
All things move together for the purpose planned
And behind the working is a mind controlling,
And a force directing, and guiding hand.

So all things are working for the Lord’s beloved;
Some things might be hurtful if alone they stood;
Some might seem to hinder, some might draw us backward;
But they work together, and they work for good,
All the thwarted longings, all the stern denials,
All the contradictions, hard to understand.
And the force that holds them, speeds them and retards them,
Stops and starts and guides them – is our Father’s hand.

Thursday, April 6, 2006

Misc stuff (Email to Parents)

This morning- Jeff, Shanna and Jimmy helped lead our session. Then I met with Lori- the language person. My Hindi is good, but Kahani is suffering- she wants me (And Robin) to meet with David or Stephen to discuss our dialect issues and what exactly we should do/where we should live/etc.

I walked away a little frustrated. I feel like we were told to find a story crafter- and not focus as much on language, and now she tells me our language basically isn’t good enough….Ahh!! I know, it’s all good- I really like Lori a lot- she is so good…

Anyway….it was good….but I feel a little overwhelmed too. Part of me really wants wants to go back (today even!) and started really cramming on the language…and start working with that girl I met who speaks English and Kahani- if her Kahani isn’t good- we’ll try her mom. So many of the teams had to try lots of stuff before they figured it out. We haven’t hardly tried anything.


Anyway, I went to dentist- the little thai lady doctor was so sweet. She said, “Oh, your tooth is so cute!” I tried to persuade her to just take it out- but she told me to come back Tuesday- the ortho. Doc. isn’t there today or something like that. Anyway, I also bargained for the price even though we were in a really sophisticated office building. It was $10.00 for the xray I had…she said it looks like it will come out- no problem, so that’s good….

I played Frisbee game with random people this afternoon- was really hot, but lots of fun..It’s so great to actually really run around- good for my body too I think….

We're going to listen to some Brian Regan (a comedian) now I think….Then bed…I feel pretty tired out already….


~ Elizabeth

Tuesday, April 4, 2006

Hello from Thailand (Email to Parents)

I’m here, back in Thailand, back from the retreat. All went well. Things are quickly getting busy around here- I had forgotten how last time things were actually pretty busy- even for email…I will try and stay in touch as much as possible…

Anyway, I'll try and use skype to call you...should be cheaper that way. I love riding my motorbike aroudn town…it’s so freeing!

It’s SO HOT here though. I had a nice afternoon- sat by the pool, (I’m really getting brown!!)…read some, read all my letters from people…and then played with the kids in the pool for a bit. Was really relaxing. Training starts at 9am tomorrow…

We (Shanna, Jeff- oh, they are now engaged!!!!!...Heather, Amanda, another Heather, Jimmy and I) went on bikes to this waterfall yesterday. It was REALLY hot, but really fun- Amanda and Jimmy actually slid down this rock slide thing into the water- was realy cool! And these Thai kids were jumping off this really high rock into the water…reminded me of when we went to the Lake and jumped off those cliffs! We had to hike a lot to get there, up rocks and stuff- was really fun and a nice chance to just relax!

Bye for now…

~ Elizabeth

NEWSLETTER (Jan -March 2006)

For January to March 2006 Newsletter, click on link below:

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