Wednesday, February 28, 2007

"I don't like this story..." (Journal Entry)

The other day in testing, I didn’t have such a good day…After playing the David and Goliath story for the aunty who lives below us, she said, “I don’t like this story, do you have any other ones?”

I was like, “Um….how could you be so rude!!!!” I tried to find out why, and it seemed that she was just distracted, that her mind was elsewhere and she didn’t really want to focus on the stories at that time.

However, I’m wondering if Heather's Kahani language in the stories isn’t really good Kahani. I mean, I know she is learning, and trying, but sometimes I think, “Um, that’s not how you say that…” Her tenses are a little mixed- and while I think the ideas communicate, it’s not a whole lot better than me telling the story!!!! Hmm…If she continues telling stories, I think it will get better, but I hope it gets better real quick.

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