Wednesday, February 28, 2007

"I don't like this story..." (Journal Entry)

The other day in testing, I didn’t have such a good day…After playing the David and Goliath story for the aunty who lives below us, she said, “I don’t like this story, do you have any other ones?”

I was like, “Um….how could you be so rude!!!!” I tried to find out why, and it seemed that she was just distracted, that her mind was elsewhere and she didn’t really want to focus on the stories at that time.

However, I’m wondering if Heather's Kahani language in the stories isn’t really good Kahani. I mean, I know she is learning, and trying, but sometimes I think, “Um, that’s not how you say that…” Her tenses are a little mixed- and while I think the ideas communicate, it’s not a whole lot better than me telling the story!!!! Hmm…If she continues telling stories, I think it will get better, but I hope it gets better real quick.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Very quick update about workshop (Email Update)

Tuesday, February 27, 2007 – 11:30am Eastern Standard Time (10pm- South Asia time)

The first day of the storying workshop went fairly well.
It wasn’t perhaps quite what we expected, but then again, we didn’t quite know what to expect.
The morning was somewhat frustrating, but the afternoon was better…
Tomorrow, we will meet again- reviewing more stories and trying to help them see how they can apply what we’ve done in these two days in their own ministries.

Please praise God for:
- The people who did come to the workshop today (most are from other cities!)
- Accommodation provided for all participants
- The participants hearing perhaps some new ideas today- that they can teach in their own mother tongue, they can verbally tell a B story rather than only reading it, and it doesn’t have to necessarily include every detail, etc…
- Robin and I working well together
- Robin and I having enough energy to speak and listen in another language the whole day (very little was in English)

Please pray that:
- We would be able to communicate ideas clearly through modeling, etc
- The participants to see how they can learn themselves from these stories as well as use these stories to teach others
- The participants would be able to learn the stories they way they have been crafted
- The participants would understand more about how the story has been crafted and tested and is the way it is now…
- Robin and I would have strength and energy to focus for another full day of listening/communicating in another language!

The workshop will be taking place while most of you (in America) are sleeping- so if you wake up in the middle of the night- please pray for us!!!

In Him,

~ Elizabeth

Saturday, February 24, 2007

The main thing is Jesus!

Yesterday Heather and her friend ‘Gina’ listened to ALL the stories we currently have- from beginning to Pentecost! :) They have heard a few in between, but never all of them all at once. I told them it might help them to see what we’re trying to do- and how all the stories flow together…or at least we hope they do. After listening to all of them, Gina said, “Oh, I see, the main thing is Jesus.” It was neat to see that even though right now, we only have Jesus birth, death and two stoires in between, she saw him as the main character, and what all the other stories lead up to.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Special Prayer Request

Special Pr. Request:

Next week (Feb 27-28 *new dates) we are hoping to have a storying workshop for some Christian workers. These workers are being sent by several pastors in surrounding areas. None of the local pastors speak the local language. Thus as a result, very few people in their congregation speak the local language and few are even originally from this area. However, the pastors do have a passion to reach this area. They have trained believers from villages or the city to do evang. in villages. These believers, plus a few others from other cities (2-3 hours away) are who will be attending the workshop.

Please pray specifically for the following:
**Outcome: pr above all that He receives glory by what we say and do.
Pray that the workers attending the workshop grow closer to Him through the devotional times we’ll have with each story.
**Pray that these workers see that they can share His stories in their mother tongue. Right now most of them use the trade language to ‘preach’ in since that’s the language they have the Bible in.
**Planning: pray for Robin and I as we plan this week just how to teach/model the stories.
**Language: pray for both of us as we think about how to communicate these ideas in the local language, as well as with the help of a translator.
**Logistics: the housing- pr that there are enough accommodations for those who are attending the workshop from other cities. Praise God for the local people who have agreed to provide housing for them.
**“Holi” festival: after changing the dates once due to the 21st being election day (and here, you aren’t allowed to hold religious functions on election day without taking permission from the District Magistrate), we learned that the Holi festival days start at the end of this month- potentially the 27th-28th. This festival is one where people throw colored powder/water on each other in celebration of Spring. We are hoping that it doesn’t really start until March, and that it doesn’t affect those traveling to the workshop!

It’s so exciting to think that this workshop could be one of the most important things we do during our time here. That is, getting these stories into the hands of people who will use them when were gone. Knowing that the Enemy also knows this and doesn’t want it to happen, causes me to ask for your prayers even more….

Thank you for your support through pryers!
Till All Have Heard,
~ Elizabeth

Saturday, February 17, 2007

"Do you have more stories?" (Journal Entry)

I spent several hours at the neighbors house today where I’ve tested stories. It was an encouraging trip. Instead of asking about English classes, they asked if I had more stories. I’m not sure that means that they like the stories- but more likely since every time I’ve visited them in the past I had stories- so in some ways, they were expecting them.

We played a version of hopscotch for about an hour- that was tiring, but also a lot of fun. I did also ask them about the “Giant” word in the David and Goliath story, since Irene had a question about it. I found out that it is a word for spirit/ghost, and you wouldn’t really use it to describe a man. However, in testing, people didn’t think Goliath was a ghost or spirit- they thought he was a man. The story, after all says, “he LOOKS LIKE a jhin/ghost.” Not that he was a jhin. And this word has the connotation of being tall- so it fit.

However, I got another word to ask the girls and Irene about- it’s “khabis” – we’ll see what that actually means. The Kahani village people are pretty simple minded (and by that I don’t mean dumb!) and don’t really have words for giant, as such. They would simply say, “a tall man.” Then they might describe it, “So tall that he was taller than everyone else” or “So tall, as tall as a stack of grass.” Or something like that- they don’t have as much vocabulary as we do in English- so they define what they mean by giving additional explanations, or repeating something.

Anyway, it was a good day. In language session, I did learn today that there isn’t really a word for sympathized/comforted. I tried to present the following scenario to Gaitree and Panna.

"If Panna is sick, and Gaitree goes to Panna and says, “It’s okay, don’t worry, you’ll get better, take rest, it’s okay, etc, etc.” And I was later telling a friend, “Panna was sick, Gaitree came and did what to Panna___” - what would you say that Gaitree did. What would you call what she did."

They just continued to say, “Gaitree came and said it’s okay, don’t worry…” Panna came up with a word that means peace, and Gaitree finally agreed we could say that, “Gaitree came and gave peace” but that didn’t really seem to fit. I’m pretty sure they understood my question, but there just didn’t seem to be good word/phrase that summarized the actions.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Conversations about gods... (Journal Entry)

Gaitree: It’s a festival today.
Me: really, which one?
Gaitree: Shivjee- you know the god who was in that cultural story we were doing yesterday, that god.
Me: is it his birthday, or the day he got married, or …?
Gaitree: his birthday…I think, maybe…yeah, I think so. So many people will go to the temple today
Me: Will you go?
Gaitree: yes.
Panna: will you go? (asking me)
Me: Me? No, I won’t go.
Panna: why not?
Me: well…because…I don’t worship shivjee.
Panna: why not?
Me: --silence—trying to figure out what to say!
Gatiree: she doesn’t like shivjee (saying this the same way you say, ‘she doesn’t like green grass to eat’)
Me: I laughed, Gaitree laughed, Panna also kind-of laughed- I wasn’t sure what to say, but this kind-of seemed like a good balance between, “I don’t believe in your god,” and “I just don’t worship him.”

I then said: “Nothing will happen. If I pray to Shivjee, nothing will happen…
Panna: something will…
Me: actually, if I pray to Shivjee, only bad can happen…
Panna: no…
Gaitree: that’s the way, everyone just worships their own god, then it’s okay.

The conversation trailed off and changed to chasing moneys, or gathering wood, I can’t remember. But still, it was the first conversation I’ve had with Gaitree or Panna about my personal beliefs potentially contradicting their beliefs. It wasn’t necessarily contradicting, but I am sure Panna wasn’t expecting me to say that. It is certainly contradictory to what she would think- “if we worship shivjee, them perhaps something good will happen…” But then Gaitree’s statement seemed to diffuse it all, “everyone can just worship their own god…”

Anyway, perhaps Panna, even more than Gaitree, will ponder what I thought and wonder why bad things could happen. Will they ever see You? Can you show Yourself to them? I know You can- will you please? Before they die? Before I leave this place also?

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Praise the Lord (Journal Entry)

“Praise the Lord!
Happy are those who fear the Lord!
Yes, happy are those who delight in doing what he commands
Their children will be successful everywhere;
An entire generation of godly people will be blessed.
They themselves will be wealthy,
And their good deeds will never be forgotten
When darkness overtakes the godly, light will come bursting in.
They are generous, compassionate, and righteous.
All goes well for those who are generous,
who lend freely and conduct their business fairly.
Such people will not be overcome by evil circumstances.
Those who are righteous will be long remembered.
They do not fear bad news
They confidently trust the Lord to care for them.
They are confident and fearless and can face their foes triumphantly.
They give generously to those in need.
Their good deeds will never be forgotten
They will have influence and honor
The wicked will be infuriated when they see this.
They will grind their teeth in anger; they will slink away, their hopes thwarted.
~ Psalm 112

This is my prayer today, Jesus. In all situations....when the darkness comes, when people say they don’t like a story, when the weather is so cold there doesn’t seem any end, when Judy hasn’t responded with comments on a story in over a week, or when she has responded and there are still more changes to make, when Irene then has additional comments, when people drop in on a day when you planned not to have guests, when the neighbors don’t understand you can’t communicate all you want to, when the electricity is out for more than 10 hours, when your cookies that you’ve worked so hard to make have burned, when the email doesn’t work and you so desperately want to read and email from home, or send one, Lord- when these thing press in, help me to ‘let the light come bursting in’- and take on the attitude you would have me take on- that is to glorify you in ALL circumstances! May I not ‘be overcome by evil circumstances’ Lord- may I ‘not fear bad news’- Lord, may I ‘confidently trust YOU to care for me’ – Help to ‘be confident and fearless and face my foes triumphantly’

And wow- let the following be my praise to you today- just for who you are.

“Praise the Lord!
I will thank the Lord with all my heart, as I meet with his godly people.
How amazing are the deeds of the Lord! All who delight in him should ponder them.
Everything he does reveals his glory and majesty, his righteousness never fails.
Who can forget the wonders he performs? How gracious and merciful is our Lord!
He gives food to those who trust him, he always remembers his covenant.
He has shown his great power to his people, by giving them the lands of other nations.
All he does is just and good, and all his commandments are trustworthy.
They are forever true, to be obeyed faithfully and with integrity.
He has paid a full ransom for his people. He has guaranteed his covenant with them forever.
What a holy awe-inspiring name he has!
Reverence for the Lord is the foundation of true wisdom.
The rewards of wisdom come to all who obey him.
Praise his name forever!
~ Psalm 111

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Kahani Worship! (Journal Entry)

I just got back from testing and back-translating, and various other things in the bazaar. It’s a cold dreary day. I watched the dvd of the youth worship at Cornerstone- that brightened my day SO MUCH! :) It was beautiful to listen to.

I then started wondering what that would look like and sound like for Kahani people to be praising Him? I then pictured Panna walking into Cornerstone Church in America, with one kid hanging from her, and her basket on her head….woah- talk about too much to fit into one idea…

I then thought, “oh yeah, that’s what’s Heaven is for- to fit everyone and their uniqueness” – but then I started thinking about it and was like, “How in the world is Heaven possible? I mean, for Cornerstone to exist in all it’s uniqueness, then for Ganga with a bucket of water on her head, and Panna, grass on hers, and Precious dressed in jeans, but then our landlord’s wife in a sari…how will it all mix?

Will we all wear the same clothes- or have royal robes? Will we all sing in the same ‘heavenly’ language- something we all understand? Or will we be able to understand all the languages and thus we can praise God still in our ‘own’ language, but it’s understood by everyone else? Or will we not be able to understand other langauges- only He will be able to understand? What kind of instruments will be there? Will we have a projector or slides? I have a feeling it will be mostly oral!! But still…just to imagine the culture I’m in here, mixing with the culture at home- is way too much for my mind to figure out…what in the world will it look like to have all the nations from all over the world together???

Of course, just as Panna would look odd coming into Cornerstone, so I must look odd tramping through the village…in spite of trying to dress like them and speak like them- still how odd must it be!! If only I could see myself, I imagine I would laugh for hours- thinking of it that way, I’m surprised how much grace they do give me and that they don’t laugh at me more than they already do!!!

Anyway…it’s interesting to hear the worship song “from the mountains, to the valleys- hear our praises rise to you…..from the islands, to the nations….hear our praises fill the air…”

Somehow I am encouraged that perhaps, through this work- there will be people who will sing praises to Him one day…and then this song will really ring true- “From Cornerstone, PA, America, to "Kahan," India, and beyond…hear our praises rise to you!”

Monday, February 5, 2007

February 2007 Email Update

Short Version:
--Precious, one of our story crafters is noticing a difference between our God and hers
--I’ve been trying to come up with creative testing situations
--Forgiveness- a tricky issue to communicate in a culture that doesn’t practice it!!!
--P & P

Long Version
“Will you please pray for me?”
“Precious” one of our story-crafters called one night this past week and explained that her stomach was hurting her a lot. I asked if she wanted one of us to come over or get medicine for her. She said, “I’m just calling to ask you to pray for me.” A little embarrassed that my first reaction was to help her by human means, I then told her I would pray for her. Then I hesitantly asked, “Do you want me to pray for you now, on the phone?” She said, “yes, please.” We prayed, she said thanks and hung up. The next day, she came over and said, “Thank you for praying, I feel much better and know that it’s because God helped me because you asked him to.” From coming to our prayer time each week, Precious has heard many stories and seen us pray for each other. Earlier last week, Precious told her mom about how we (Robin and I) pray for other people. That really impressed her as it’s different from how she would typically pray to her gods.

“Let’s see who can retell the story better, you or your grandmother”
When listening to stories, people often get distracted by the goats, breakfast, other guests who drop in, the weather, washing clothes, fetching water, etc, etc…It’s hard to find ways to keep them focused for more than 5-10 minutes. While I’m not trying to make a competition out of these stories, today, I tried to make a game out of remembering the story by saying. “Yesterday, Aama (grandmother), remembered and told this story really well, let’s see if you can remember it better than her, or if she can tell it better than you!” It was interesting to see their attentiveness to the story after that!

“We don’t really forgive people here…”
Recently we realized that part of the reason people haven’t been able to retell parts of a few stories that talk about someone forgiving someone else or God forgiving someone is because they don’t really practice forgiveness here! They understand the word and maybe even the concept, but as one testing subject said, “Why should we say sorry and forgive, if we are just going to fight again? I’ve been in a fight with my sister-in-law for 15 years and we haven’t spoken in 15 years.” Pray that we find ways to illustrate this concept through the stories.

Praise for:
finding new neighbors with whom to test stories
being able to craft stories with new story-crafters, “Heather” and “Gina”
“Precious”- one of our story-crafters coming weekly to our story/prayer time.
being able to connect with various local Christian leaders regarding the storying workshop, and being able to get a list of several people who may attend!

Prayer for:
Pray for our story-crafters as we figure out how to communicate the concept of forgiveness.
Pray for creative ideas to help people stay focused on to the story in testing situations, and that they don’t distracted by life around them!
Pray for preparations for the storying workshop (February 20-21st!!!).
Pray for the Kahani people to see Truth in our lives and in these stories!

Thank you as always for your continued support and prayers…

In Him,
~ Elizabeth
“The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it, the world and all who live in it. For He founded it upon the seas and established it upon the waters.” ~Psalms 24:1-2

129 days...And "no changes needed" email from Judy!

Two exciting things...

1) I have counted, and guess what- 129 days til I will see my family…approximately- but shh don’t tell them, that will be June 14th- it will be a surprise! I’m hoping to go home for the family reunion!!! So, 129 days means, 18 ½ weeks. That means, about 4 months…yeah, 4 months sounds a lot better than 129 days!! Haha…Anyway, it’s not that far away!

2) Guess what- we got an email from Judy regarding the Beginning story- this is what it said, “NO CHANGES NEEDED” – WOW- that’s a first…it’s SO EXCITING!! We know we’ll still make changes perhaps in the final recording, but for now- IT’S DONE. Wow, that’s amazing…thrilling- even scary…what if we missed something, maybe we should test it one more time!!! Ahhh!!! Haha…but no- it’s fine, it’s been tested in and out, and recorded and re-recorded, and adjusted…it’s fine!!!! I’m quite thrilled!!!

Sunday, February 4, 2007

"Is it okay to lie?" (Journal Entry)

We just had prayer time with Precious. She told a story for the first time this week- she told the story of David and Batsheba, including when Nathan confronts David. You could tell she memorized a lot of it- but who wouldn’t the first time, and especially for her- doing it in a second language- English. She did a great job, really.

Afterwards, I was talking to her while Robin made chai. She said, “I have really learned a lot of things about God from these stories…” We talked about the story- and I praised her a lot- because it really makes her happy to know she has approval (she’s like me in that way!). She said she is thankful for our friendship because she can learn a lot from us, and from the stories about God.

We talked during chai about our professors in college, and somehow Precious brought up “manipulating the truth”- and asked us what it meant and if we thought it was good or not. We said no, that means you’re lying and that’s wrong. She then went on to say how she thought it was okay if there was a good reason- i.e. if you were saving someone or doing it for a good reason. After discussing it for a while, Robin told her the story about how Abraham lied about Sara being his sister- and how God punished him for that. I also told her about the story when God gave all the rules to his people about not worshipping other gods, he also said never to lie- and that lying was really bad. Robin explained that God sees David killing Uriah in the story we just did, just as bad as if we lie about something. I explained how it’s hard for us to see that we are just as bad as someone who murders someone else- but if you think about how great and good God is—anything compared to him, even if it’s just one lie, is not good…

She was silent for a while, and then said she had to go- she wasn’t upset or anything, but you could tell she was thinking about the story and everything we said- it was probably not what she was expecting from us- she probably thought we would agree with her- because humanly speaking what she said would make sense…If you lie to save someone, isn’t it okay?

Anyway, it was interesting- and just another step towards realizing more of the truth. In so many ways she has come so far, but in other ways, she has so much further to go…will she get there before we leave? Will she ever get there?