Sunday, July 24, 2005

Hello from South Asia! (Mass Update)

Photos!!! Also, I’m attaching two photos. One is of Vivian, Robin and myself. Vivian is a girl from Guatemala who will be with us in our people group and is here with us now at training. he other picture is of some young boys who walked down the mountain with me from the temple we visited (about ½ hour in the rain!!). They talked in their language, I talked in Hindi- we laughed a lot, I think it is the highlight of my trip here thus far!

Elizabeth Wilson Update- July 24, 2005

I’m Here!
I’m here in South Asia! (I’ve been here one week so far!)

I have to start with a huge thank-you to all of you for your prayers for traveling.
Things went very smoothly. Even in the New Jersey airport, I met one of my Indian
friends whose fiancé was traveling on the same flight!

No more room?
We arrived at 5am Tuesday morning South Asia time, welcomed by dark faces,
humidity, people speaking foreign languages, flies, and I think I saw a cow or two.
We were met by Barry (one of the leaders here), and a little man with a white
taxi/van thing. He put Robin's suitcases in the van and there was absolutely no
more room for more suitcases. Oh, no problem, I forgot about the roof! He threw
mine up straps or anything. Need I worry? Of course not. We did
swerve around some busses, and go over a few bumps, but we made it.

It’s as if I never left!
While riding from the airport I looked around at the "sights." The people
sitting/sleeping near the side the street, the dogs, the dust, the painted trees, the cows,
the trucks, busses, rickshaws...I felt completely as if I had never left India before.
It was a great feeling.

I want to go home…
Then, when I got to where we are staying for training (which is not yet our final
destination), I just started to realize, how little I have (2 years packed into 2 suitcases!),
yet how the “little” I have is still more than most of the people around me…
And just thinking about really being here for 2 years. I had a few moments of just
wishing I could come back home. However, thinking about the faces of the
people here and why I am here got me excited again about being here.

- safety in getting here
- good connection with family at home (cell phone and internet!)
- for your encouragement and prayers!
- adjustment to the culture hasn’t been too difficult (at least not yet!)

Main Prayer Needs:
Please continue to pray for adjustment and transition. Robin and I are both
adjusting to a lot, including to each other! And we will be moving around/adjusting
to things for several months and then finally in our destination- and need to get adjusted
to that! Pray for patience and wisdom to know what to say and do to make things easier.

Also for traveling on the bus and the train over the next few weeks- pray that
we’ll be able to take our luggage and still get off the train in time at the 1 minute stops!

Future Events
Next weekend: As part of our current training, we are taking an overnight train
trip to visit a Wycl. National partnership (Nationals who do things to help translation works, etc).
After that, we head north to learn language for a month before getting to our people group.

~ Elizabeth

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