Sunday, July 17, 2005

Hello and Goodbye! (Mass Update)

Hello!!! (And Goodbye!!!)

I'm leaving tomorrow (July 17th), and the emotions are so mixed, it's hard to say what I'm feeling at any moment! I have appreciated your prayers andencouragement the past few weeks as I prepare to go to South Asia. Please pray specifically for travel logistics to go smoothly and a safe trip. We (Robin and I) leave approx. 9pm on Sunday and will reach around 9pm Monday evening (USA time, 5am Tuesday morning South Asia time), so about 24 hour trip!!! And we have training the day after we get there! It was a special blessing to have some of you share with me at the farewell celebration or the commissioning service.

Thank you to all of you who came! Some of you have asked about the prayer calendar that I started very recently. I learned from a co-worker at training camp a unique way of developing prayer support and that is to have a calendar where people can sign up to pray for you on a specific day each month- and that you will also pray for that person! I really liked the idea! Thank you to those ofyou who already signed up- it's exciting to have your prayer support onthose days specifically! Some of you have asked what days people did not sign up to pray for. I will list the days below that I still need prayer support! If you are interested in praying for me on one of those days each month, please let me know.

And remember, I will mark your name down on a calendar and I too will pray for you on that day! (This is not just one-way communication- please send me your prayer requests as well!). I still need prayer support for the following days: 2nd, 6th, 7th, 11th,12th, 15th, 18th, 20th, 22th, 23rd, 25th, 26th, 27th, 28th, 29th,31st.

I'm so excited to have all of you partner with me in the work God is doing in South Asia. It's a blessing to know that you are here praying for me asI go. This will be my last state-side e-mail to you and I look forward to writing more to you from South Asia!! Thank you again!

For the Least-Reached!!

~ Elizabeth

My parents and me!

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