Tuesday, June 5, 2007

After all that.... (Email to Parents)

After spending most of the day making beds, finding blankets, pillows, sheets, and rearranging the rooms to fit 6-7 ladies…(coming for the storying workshop)

After figuring out with Anju and Panna how many kilos of flour to get, how many tomatoes, potatoes, etc…

After trying to fill up a big bucket to store water in- just in case….

After receiving a phone call from theie leader saying that only 6 people were coming (3 men, 3 women)…then, spending several other phone calls trying to see if they might all be able to stay in leprosy mission….

After deciding that ‘no they would still stay with me,’ going to leprosy mission, meeting the women- who were all agreeing to come stay with me…

After they saw the accommodations in leprosy mission, and after one hurt her foot (not badly or anything), they asked if they might stay there…

After the women asked, “Will you be angry” and me saying, “no, it is really up to you- whatever you want to stay, is fine with me…” them saying they wanted to stay there.

After going back to the office and asking if they could stay there, it was settled- The women are staying there…for now….after all that!!

I could see myself in America several years ago being very frustrated about the whole thing- all the indecisiveness, and going back and forth- and the numbers growing, then shrinking…talk about up to the last minute. But, really, all in all- I wasn’t too disturbed by any of the events of the day….if I was upset, then I probably haven’t lived in this country long enough to know to just expect all that!!!! Of course if I was truly Indian, I probably wouldn’t have spent most of the day preparing for them since I should have expected it to change five times before they got here anyhow!!! All well, I still have time to learn! :)

Anyway, just thought I’d update you! I'm excited about the workshop tomorrow!!

Thanks for praying…..

~ Elizabeth

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