Notes from Training/Devotions...
* Our level/amount of understanding of God is what we have to share with others. “To know God and make Him known.” We have to start with God. Our goal cannot be to ‘seek and save the lost’ or we will be greatly disappointed. The fist and greatest commandment is to love and worship God- that is our first priority.
* We often think how our actions affect other people, but we should think ‘how do our actions affect God.’ Instead of dealing with hurt with your partner, think about how you’ve hurt the heart of God.
* When we first become a Christian, we are like a pin. God puts just enough of Him on the top of the pin (like a drop of water) because that’s all we can handle. Then, he breaks us in some ways and we become like a thimble- holding a little more of Him. This process repeats itself over and over, each time God breaks/crack one pot/vessel to create a new/bigger one to allow us to see/know/experiences more of Himself.
* Sin isn’t a problem for a sinner. If there is no reason to get out of sin, then there’s a no problem with it. It’s only when we become saved that we start to see this ultimate example of perfection and strive to attain it realizing our sin is what keeps us from that peace with God.
* Will you start and end everything with God? When will what’s inside of you start affecting you on the outside instead of the other way around? Of course, that is, if God is working inside of you and if you’re letting that happen- then you want what’s inside of you to come out.
*You are called to love everyone. You are not called to unconditionally trust everyone. Love is unconditional, trust develops and grows. You will be trusted with more depending on what you do with what you’ve been given right now. Do you want God to find you trustworthy?
* God is trusting us with people groups!!! If God can’t trust me with my family, why would He give me more people to hurt?
* If you can’t figure out what God’s calling you to next, go back to the last thing God told you- were you faithful to it?
2 Timothy 2:20-21
Is 59:2
Gen 12:1-3
Ps. 67
Matt. 28:18-20
Ps. 22:27-31
Gal. 3:8- people on the field will challenge you saying that you’re not getting to Jesus fast enough. But really, each story has Jesus in it!
* Take one step at a time. However far you get will be the farthest you’ve ever gone. Wherever you get to, will be the farther than where you were before.
Matt. 11:12
2 Cor. 10:3-5
Ex. 17 – “If they drop their arms, they’ll die.” (Moses’ thoughts)- Epic leaders
“Get off their high stool and come down here” (soldier’s thoughts) Us!
“You don’t understand!!!” – a sure sign that you’re in the spiritual battle
* God can and will use ready and available people. If you don’t listen and obey, God will move on to the next person, He’s not out of options- it’s just that you were His 1st choice.
Is. 30:20
Deut. 28:47-48
1 Sam. 8, 10 vs. 20, 16
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