Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Surprise!! (Email Update)

Short Version:
I surprised my family and came home for our family reunion!!
2 months left in the project…
Then a month of traveling…

Longer Version:

Each year my mom’s family (now over 100 people!) all come together for a family reunion. Last year, there were only a few who weren’t able to make it, and I was one of them. It was one of the hardest times to be away from family. This year, I decided to surprise my family and come home! It was a wonderful time of reuniting with some of my cousins, aunts and uncles, many of whom live in other states and I only get to see once a year at the reunion. I also thoroughly enjoyed being with my family the week after the reunion, and getting to visit my brother who is working at camp in New Jersey.

2 months left in Kahan…
In the next two months Robin and I hope to make final recordings onto CD and cassette. Pray for Heather and Precious as they work hard to remember the stories to record them! Later this month, two girls (from our company) are visiting us who are interested in working in Kahan in the future. In August, we hope to have one last workshop with the leaders of the groups who have attended the previous workshops. We will present them with the cd’s and cassettes and also train them more in how to use the stories in chch planting work. Over the two months we’ll also be saying a lot of goodbyes to our ‘family’ and friends of the past two years.

Then What?
Robin and I have train tickets to leave “Kahan” the last week in August. During the month of September, I hope to travel to two other countries and see if He opens any doors for future work in those places. I’ll be in touch as those plans become more certain. And after September, I’ll be coming home

P & P
* Praise Him for being able to ‘be all there’ and fully enjoy the time home with my family.
* Praise Him for safe travels back to “Kahan.”
* Pray for Robin and me in the last two months in the project- most of all, for our relationships with the people and with each other.
* Pray for preparations for the last workshop in August.
* Pray for all the goodbyes we’ll be saying in the next two months.
* Pray for travel plan in September, that He will guide me where He wants me.

Till All Have Heard,

~ Elizabeth
- Natalie and me fighting for the frisbee.
- My Grandparents and me (my dad's parents)
- Eating out with my brother Mark at the camp where he is working this summer.
- My Grandfather and me, my mom's father.
- My Indian friends at home.

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