Tuesday, November 1, 2005

Thailand Adventures (Email Update)

Update November 1, 05

Thailand Update:
* Training
* Meeting Others
* Thailand Adventures (Motorbike!!!)

“Our level/amount of understanding of God is what we have to share with others. We need to know God more to be able to share Him with others. We have to start with God in all that we do. Our goal cannot be to ‘seek and save the lost’ or we will be greatly disappointed. The first and greatest commandment is to love and worship God- that is our first priority.”
This is just one of the challenging quotes that have struck me during our training the past two weeks. I’m challenged to read my Bible more and learn as much as I can not only so I can be better equipped to share with others, but also to deepen my relationship with Jesus!

Meeting Others
Being able to meet others who are just starting out in the work, like we are, as well as others who have been out on the field for a year or two, has been a huge blessing. It’s so encouraging to hear their stories about the people they have been crafting stories with! Although we’ve only spent a few weeks together, we’re already close friends because of the common bond we have in storying work.

Thailand Adventures
Renting a motorbike while we’re at training has been a huge blessing for me! Driving around the city during the day and night as well as driving up to 100kpm (kilometers per hour, not miles!!!) on the “superhighway,” makes me feel “free.”

* Language situation- when we get back to our location, we will begin learning Kahani (a pseudonym for our target language- the one in which we’ll be storying). [“Kahani” means ‘story’ in our regional language).
* Pray that we would be able to find someone who knows both Kahani and English.
* My back- My lower back has been giving me issues for a while now, and I’m not sure what to do to help it. It’s constant, but minimal pain 24/7, but bothers me most when I sleep.
* Now that we’ve had the modern conveniences of running water, electricity, etc- pray for adjusting to life when we go back in 2 weeks.

* Time of spiritual refreshment
* Encouragement from other Epic teams
* Learning a lot about storying

Thank you for your support- and for your e-mails.

Till All Have Heard,

~ Elizabeth

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