Saturday, May 13, 2006

Moon and Clouds... (Email to Parents)

Mommy and Daddy,

How was the fair? I had a semi rough night last night…

First, I went to the store to get eggs and butter. It was dark outside. There was no problem with the store or the goods, but walking there I just felt this immense burden for the Kahani people. I felt like how will they ever realize and accept the truth? Bells were ringing in several houses nearby as people participated in their pujas (prayers), and I just felt really burdened for them. I believe I had tears in my eyes while I was at the store.

Then I looked up and saw the bright light of the moon behind the clouds- I could not see the moon, but the brightness of it shining behind the clouds. I felt like it was a picture of Kahan. The light from the cloud was God- and the realization that God is real. The clouds were the deep darkness that these people are in, but, God is there, but behind the darkness waiting to shine forth. Then I was thinking, I bet things might get worse before they get better. And about ½ hour later, I looked up again, and the clouds had completely covered the moon. There was a dim light shining from behind them, but it was fully covered. Then about 20 minutes later, the clouds were completely gone, the moon was shining brightly, nothing was hindering it….

Now, you know me, I don’t normally believe in special stuff like that. But I don’t’ think it was necessarily a coincidence either. I wouldn’t be one to go and say, “Oh, God made the clouds and moon do something to show us something last night!” It’s more like, I learned something from that. I learned that God IS here. He is in this region. But there is a darkness that is also here and blocking Him from shining. Not because He doesn’t have power to shine through, but because that’s just the way it is and it's in His plan like that right now for purposes only He knows.

And, things for the people here, or things for us, I’m not sure,- may get worse before it gets better. Whether we come up against more opposition, or people just don’t respond to the stories, or Robin and I get upset with each other, or whatever….things may get worse before they get better. And while I shouldn't expect the worse, I should be prepared for it, knowing that Evil is also there. But…no matter what, and who knows when (maybe this is only in Heaven)- at some point - God WILL shine forth, there will be no more distractions, no more darkness, no more clouds. Nothing to stand in the way….Yeah, I guess that will be Heaven- but I do hope we maybe get a glance of that here too….we shall see….

Anyway, it was an encouragement to me…..

On another note, my back is killing me these days, I have not done exercises for a long time, and so realized that I need to start doing them again- but it really hurts, I can’t sleep past maybe 5 or 6 in the morning, for a number of reasons. But the main one being because I’m in intense pain from my back, there is no comfortable position laying down….

Okay, talk to you later.

~ Elizabeth

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